Reviews for Change
itachi.naruto47 chapter 1 . 3/2/2013
It good keep going, i like to see what happens next.
TessaTheDragonborn chapter 1 . 10/19/2012
I love it, Please update soon! C:
lead chapter 1 . 8/28/2012
Please update soon
Brookie cookie17 chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
please update this story its so awesome
kei-v3 chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
It's a bit cliche, the thing every fangirl has fantasized about, so the plot is not that amazing to me. But you sure write it well! Something about the... thoughts that Kaname and Zero wander about actually touched my heart and made me sympathized with them. The story is worth following. Update soon, and thank you for writing!
enne chapter 1 . 6/11/2010
i loved it. this is really great. :)
Nerro chapter 1 . 5/30/2010
I liked it :) I really liked it! You've got a nice writing style there, and thank god Yuki's brushed off. Love how Zero's in constant denial. Update soon ;D

TearfullPixie chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
please more
irmina chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
Nice. I like forward to see how Kaname will 'deal' with his newfound feeling about Zero.
Love332 chapter 1 . 5/22/2010

Really liked it!

Hope you update soon!
Yumiii chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
I say! This story had a common start (no offense!) but i absolutely loved the way it was being told. I was giggling at zero's thoughts of vampires going 'ufufufu' cos i cant imagine any of our vampire bishies doing it but yeah ; Haha. And I absolutely adored the end of the chap! Kaname's true to his feelings but now it's zero's turn to realise tehe.

Btw you might want to paragraph huge blocks of text. It's easy to get lost _ But that's no big issue i like your style D
LuanRina chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
Well, I can say that I'm very intrigued. I really want to read more of this story and can't wait to see the next chapter~*_~ Please update ASAP!X3
Tinta amatista chapter 1 . 5/21/2010
Que milagro el que Takuma aun tenga a cabeza pegada al cuerpo luego de esa pregunta.

ahora lo importante, es saber que pasará con Kaname

y con Zero también
Madame Penguin chapter 1 . 5/21/2010
Very nice plot so far. The only problem I have is that the paragraphs are too long so I get lost in them if I don't pay attention, and the quotation marks are a little weird...most of the time talking is used with "blah" instead of 'blah'

I would like to see more interaction in the minds of Zero and Kaname more but I really do like this story and I think it will end up nicely. Just as long as they don't hook up in like the next chapter or so haha

My favorite part probably has to be with Kaname being jealous of Yuuki. By the way, do we get to see a chapter with Lily in it?

~read ya later