Reviews for Evil Beyond Condoning
Livi chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Crush videos are disgusting. just the thought of them makes my hair stand on end and makes me want to vomit. Thank you for writing this story, some people who are Chack fans dont know that this sort of monstrous act is preformed. i feel like you posting this is shedding a little light on this viral form of animal abuse. Thank you.
Fatal Overdose chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
Cute and sweet and I love it and you're my new favorite.
pineapple-Tattoo chapter 1 . 12/19/2011
Very good and sad story.

Still loved it though :)
Kaye-Chan chapter 1 . 10/2/2011
Oh God. I didn't know what a Crush video was so I googled it and had a similar reaction. I love my dog, and even if my cat doesn't like me, the worst I could ever do to him is spray him with a mister if he tries to climb the Chritmas tree or some thing. That is sick and inhumane. I totally feel for your cause. I can't believe this doesn't have the death penalty and the idea that this is LEGAL? I am beyond pissed.
breezy-kuki chapter 1 . 6/21/2010
C: you really captured the sweet heart he has deep down within him, congratulations! *Faving*