Reviews for Say Goodbye to Hollywood
noro chapter 15 . 1/15/2011
great work
haileerikerawr chapter 3 . 1/11/2011
Stupid question, this is a really good story, but like I'm totally confused about the whole Boston being in San Diego thing. Unless there's a place in San Diego named Boston, lol.
GingerGleek chapter 15 . 12/28/2010
Wouldnt Kurt KNOW if she was a fall or a spring, haha? ;)

Very well done, glad Finn seems to be able to see past it, even though he hasn't quite yet. And I always love Kurtchel friendship, haha, so you can never go wrong there for me. :)

Hope you update again soon!
RockerPrincess83 chapter 15 . 12/28/2010
great story. i loved reading it. you did an amazing job writing it :)
FaithfulToLea chapter 15 . 12/28/2010
Update soon please.
Average Everyday Sane Psycho chapter 15 . 12/28/2010
do I need to peform some kind of torture on Raul to get more of this fic? loved the update
jacqui.ann chapter 14 . 12/24/2010
That was amazing! I'm so angry at the glee club right now though!
My-Alphabet-Soup chapter 14 . 12/23/2010
Mr Schue is making me angry, because NO ONE SEEMS TO UNDERSTAND THAT SHE WAS UNABLE TO COMPETE, WHTHER SHE RAN AWAY OR NOT! And when she told him, he just IGNORED HER! What a jackass.

This story is wonderful! :D
Average Everyday Sane Psycho chapter 14 . 12/23/2010
loved this chapter, specialy the kurt/rachel interactions
Shelz chapter 14 . 12/23/2010
Somebody please go kick Will... below the belt please! what a jerk. Sore loser! Great update!
RockerPrincess83 chapter 14 . 12/23/2010
well that was intense. it was nice to see a kurt/rachel moment, and the scene with the glee club was filled with drama. loved it! :)
GingerGleek chapter 14 . 12/23/2010
Screw Finn and Mr. Schue ... :( If Kurt can forgive her, seriously. Ugh.

Great job, though. And I think their reactions were realistic, as much as they bothered me, haha.

Can't wait for another chapter! :)

Happy Holidays!
laylita83 chapter 14 . 12/23/2010
Can we kill will?id a teacher speak yo me like that i will have him fired! Honestly!Update soon!
Alfredo chapter 14 . 12/23/2010
:( thank you
FaithfulToLea chapter 14 . 12/22/2010
Update soon please
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