Reviews for Forgetting Him
mary0519 chapter 22 . 6/29
Es una historia muy bonita gracias xoxo
Guest chapter 22 . 6/28
This has to he one of the stupidest fanfiction's ever. You have adults acting like immature spoiled brats. You failed miserably to capture any of the characters personalities. The whole thing reads like it was written by an unsophisticated adolescent.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/28
If you have to beg for reviews in order to write then you shouldn't bother writing.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/28
Publishing the lyrics of the songs like this is a copyright violation and disrespectful to the artist who own the copyrights.
donnamiley chapter 22 . 12/14/2017
Well, if she had to choose, definitely the right choice! Team Dimitri!
donnamiley chapter 15 . 12/14/2017
Again, this is already done, but another crazy idea ... she has them both. I'm a reverse harem fan. #why choose
donnamiley chapter 7 . 12/14/2017
So, this is already finished by the time I am reading it, but ... I was wondering if he was gay. The fashion sense, the fun flirty attitude, idk jyst reminds me of a few gay guys I know. Anyway, random idea.
Daughter of Athena 20 chapter 22 . 7/22/2016
Iolanthe chapter 22 . 6/11/2016

Okay, I wouldn't go that far. I liked it, but it has some flaws.

I didn't like the way Dimitri harassed Rose in the middle. He would never do that, his principles are too strong for (practically) rape.
Tasha wouldn't show her emotions like that, she is a bitch, true, but she's still a grown woman.

But all in all, this is a really good fanfic
Roza95 chapter 22 . 2/2/2016
Great chapters, Van You Mabey Write other chapters. After her Graduate, live totgether.
Thank You
134 chapter 22 . 12/12/2015
3ed it
keep writing
Mari Wollsch chapter 22 . 12/3/2015
lovely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
RandomFTfangirl chapter 8 . 3/1/2015
Okay, this is amazing but...
Don't think it should be K. A bit too innaproppriate for the kids on the interent. Maybe T would be better?
Little Ms. Satan chapter 22 . 12/2/2014
Wow. Sooooo cheese, in a good way, I LOVE ALL THE FLUFF!
Little Ms. Satan chapter 9 . 11/16/2014
Aww, you missed out Adrian love... :(
If it was my place to say, I would go CR and make Dimka really jelly, but it seems not... :(
But I have not finished reading :P
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