Reviews for The Subtle Art of Misdirection
Gigi Esmeralda chapter 1 . 8/7/2019
Contrary to Distractions, it was too long, although wonderfully written. Too many descriptions. Solving problems while trying to have sex is a bit awkward. I loved the way you made a connection between your story and Guy Ritchie.
Nevertheless, it's a piece of art!
madwriter223 chapter 1 . 3/11/2018
This is an incredible read. Very gripping. XD
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10/2017
Ach oh my god you have to continue this, holy hell I have no words that was heartbreaking
Doni chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
While the story was heart wrenching, you dealt with this subject matter remarkably well. And then the end, with neither of them knowing what to do with themselves and John running to Mary. Really amazing work.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
Brilliant delivery of emotion, and a comprehension of irrational fear that I have been hard pressed to find in the written note. I am left longing for a helpful note at the bottom of the untranslated bits of French as I am, unfortunately, a gentlemen of only one language. I am very curious as to what Sherlock said in the clammy grip of fear's bony fingers, even though throughout the novella, you left context hints to their general tone and demeanor. I suppose that this is only one gentleman's curiosity, though.

I enjoyed the interal struggle Watson was experiencing throughout his ordeal, and that their sexual relationship was non-existent and not even a far off thought to either of them. Good show, dear fellow. It piques my interest to fathom how these two will deal with such a tradgedy forced upon them both in the long run. Perhaps on some coming afternoon, you may fancy to continue this tragic tale, but for now I shall part and patiently await the next chapter of your most recent tale of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
DrinksinHeaven chapter 1 . 5/31/2012
I am very impressed with your fanfic. Very well done! A 33000 word story that takes place over the span of maybe three hours-amazing. It is very gripping. It was so interesting to see Holmes so vulnerable, so afraid, facing that fear with all the grace of a screaming toddler. Watson's actions and reactions were also very interesting. How they both were able to get off at the end, it was hot in a sick sort of way. At the end, when they escape and are back at baker st., Sherlock kissing John was a surprise, but nice. But, true to form, you weaved your story into the plot of the movies, where john ends up with mary and not sherlock.

I loved how you integrated sherlock shrieking french when so utterly distressed.

Great job. This is one of the best fanfics i have read. Just curious, how long did it take you to write this?

Good luck with all your future stories!
forgetmenotjimmy chapter 1 . 5/5/2012
Wow, powerful story, the unleashing of repressed desires and emotions was very well done, very expressionist piece, everyone written deliciously well, loved it! Any more?

Alamo Girl chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
I spent all day reading this. It is SUCH a profound piece, both in subject matter and in execution. I myself have written this scenario in another fandom and know how hard it can be.

You wrung out the tension for so long but it didn't diminish the climax (har) in any way. It was heartrending to hear of Holmes' terror over everything to do with sex, and to have to tear Watson down like this by having him to it to his dearest friend.

I adore the subtle "love" you weave between these two in this. Especially the ending, where Holmes steps outside his normal comfort zone even after hoping to never talk of the matter again and kisses Watson a few more times. That just struck me in the heart strings, like he was trying to test the waters of his deeper feelings that were obviously prodded to the surface by the event.

And then Watson finds Mary and poor Holmes is set adrift. I often wonder what Holmes were do if Watson were taken from him, tortured before his eyes and the villain expected to rend some sort of emotion from Holmes that he never thought he could admit.

You bring up in this that Watson is angered by the thought that Holmes will *ever* be as gentle and tending to him as he is to Holmes and that has to hurt. The feelings Watson may express may never be reciprocated.

At any rate, I adore this. It is so emotive and flowing and every detail is painstakingly perfect.
Imalena chapter 1 . 4/9/2012
Great story! I really liked it! Please tell me there is a sequel when they end up together? Please?
Charli chapter 1 . 2/1/2012
Well, i dont even know what to say. that was really some amazing writing right there. and this will forever be my head canon, not sure weather thats a good thing or not, but damn that was really really good! my internet went down halfway through reading this so i had to pull out my french to english dictionary xD god that was fun. but yeah, thanks for writing this, you did a really good job with the characterization and everything :)
Sunsets and Snowflakes chapter 1 . 1/17/2012
Oh dear God. I finished this, then I scrolled right back up to the top and read it again, only this time I fished out my old high-school French dictionary, then I gave in after a few minutes of struggling and went on Google Translate. The French broke my heart into a million little sad pieces.

But mere words can't express how truly heartbreakingly amazing this is. Imma just worship you instead, m'kay?

Also - hullo new headcanon.

...And now I'm going to hide away in the shadows again, because now I just sound creepy. D:
Girl-Boy-Whatever chapter 1 . 10/29/2011
This story is incredible. It gave me an entirely new perspective on the movie and I don't think I will ever be able to see it the same way again. Your writing is amazing and there were so many moments in here that utterly broke my heart.
DRACON1US chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
I'm just going to apologize in advance for the length of this review, cause I can tell it's going to be a long one.

This story was absolutely amazing. Dubcon is always really fascinating no matter what, but somehow you took all of the dirtiness out of it and just made it this terribly terribly sad piece of writing. Every step of the way I wanted it to stop and usually with this sort of situation in a fic everyone secretly wants it to keep going, but I actually could hardly read parts of this they made me so upset (I mean that in a good way). It's not the first time that I've seen the scenario in fics (the whole do it yourself while I watch or I will thing I mean) but giving Holmes that disorder was brilliant. This actually broke my heart to read. You gave them both the maximum amount of affection without making them out of character. The amount of detail you paid to each and ever step of the process amazed me. I can't believe that this fanfiction is 30,000 words for this one scene. I don't know, this just really got to me. I found this story yesterday and have been thinking about it ever since. I reread it this morning and when I first found it I actually showed up to a party 2 hours late cause I couldn't stop reading it. This was just really really amazing. Great job.
ImLostForever chapter 1 . 1/13/2011
I LOVE this. It is not like so many other things here, a mindless sex piece, but a serious, emotional dramatic horror.

your writing is captivating to say the least.

I cried.
M chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
I am usually too lazy to leave reviews...but this was awesome! Had me spine tingling, and me making faces at the computer. lol. please keep writing holmes fics!
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