Reviews for I'm With the Band
Margareitha Malfoy-Nott chapter 6 . 12/27/2016
Jackie and Hyde are the cutest.. thanks for this adorable piece.
Myself chapter 6 . 8/10/2012
I loved it! Thanks for being balanced smut and story! Good job!
together25x3 chapter 6 . 11/20/2011
Nice! I like it alot!
littlehoneypot chapter 4 . 8/14/2011
Hyde sticking up for Jackie, yay!
StandUpEvenIfYouStandAlone chapter 6 . 6/24/2011
but who won
MistyMountainHop chapter 6 . 6/11/2011
Jackie laughed as she put on one of Hyde's T-shirts, since hers was pretty much destroyed.

LOL But what a way to have a shirt be destroyed.

Jackie flushed again, but lifted her chin defiantly. "Well, before Steven I never had a reason to scream like that."

Nice burn. D

one of their competing "acts" was Bob and Joanne,

LOL I could see that!

And, as the last strains of the song came to a close, Jackie and Hyde's eyes locked, knowing that two really was better than one, and that nothing could come between them now...

Sweet. D And sweet story, Bunny!
MistyMountainHop chapter 5 . 6/11/2011
"I, ah, think his jaw is broken, Jackie." Donna said with a sigh.


"Why, Jacqueline Beulah... no bra? I'm shocked."


Sweet moment between them at the end of the chapter.
MistyMountainHop chapter 4 . 6/11/2011
Hyde's jaw clenched and he could no longer see straight. He reached out and punched Chip as hard as he could, looking down at him as he fell. Well, this was a place he'd been before, but this time, he climbed down with him, and continued reigning blows upon him...

Yeah, totally expected Hyde to beat the crap out of him.

"Uh... well, considering that he knocked Chip unconscious for a good four and a half minutes for calling you a bitch, and that was two years before you guys admitted feelings for each-other, I'd say killing Chip." Eric said bluntly.D

LOL (I mean, it's not funny - but the way Eric says it... is).

"He said, 'put your hand on her leg again, I'll rip it off and shove it up your ass'."

Ooh, ouch! Nasty.
MistyMountainHop chapter 3 . 6/10/2011
Jackie shook her head furiously. "Humiliating!" she argued. "Anyway, it was a long time ago, I just wanted to forget about it, and now Steven's gonna think... Oh, I don't know..." Jackie sniffled, throwing herself onto Donna's shoulder.

That's actually a quite realistic reaction to what happened. Definitely one way Jackie might have have handled it (the other, of course, being to kick Chip's ass herself *lol*).

They had never seen him like this, and ,quite honestly, were each afraid to be the one to bring him out of it.

Don't blame them.

He walked over to him to shake his arm, and Hyde slung him hard over the couch, and stalked out of the basement,

AWw, poor Kelso. This time, it was undeserved. (

Can't wait to see wht Hyde does.
MistyMountainHop chapter 2 . 6/10/2011
Hyde nodded. "I get that; but we'll do it on the music, okay? Some people put so much into the show itself, and it's to hide that the music sucks."

It needed to be said. D Totally agree with Hyde here.

"And, you woke up before he did anything, right?" Hyde demanded.

But, Jackie looked at the floor, biting her lower lip...

Looks like there's gonna be another Hyde/Chip confrontation (goodie)!
MistyMountainHop chapter 1 . 6/10/2011
"Plus, we have to write our own original songs, and, Donna can write stories, but her songs..." Eric said, waving his hand back and forth.

Donna frowned at him. "They're not that bad!"


"Because, Micheal, you just don't have rhythm, I'm sorry."

That doesn't surprise me. *lol*

"Kelso can be... roadie."

LOL again

Maybe they'll paint Kelso's van and be one of *those* bands. D
Ferret of the wind chapter 6 . 1/16/2011
Great story I loved it!
FuzzySlipper19 chapter 6 . 6/3/2010
I loved that story! :D Hehe awesome job! Jackie x Hyde FOREVER!

Best Wishes,

somescribbles108 chapter 3 . 5/10/2010
Love jh! keep it coming
converseQueen11 chapter 1 . 5/8/2010
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