Reviews for Wormboy
Zighana chapter 1 . 9/11/2014
I'm in love with this story!
The Big Empty chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
Wonderful :) It's nice to read a story about one of the gang being gay and being realistic about it and being gay in the 1960s.

I loved how you wrote this, it really made you think and feel what Two-Bit was feeling, it's nice you didn't share any names and I had to work a bit to figure out who Two-Bit was lusting over.

Thanks for sharing!
cassy1994 chapter 1 . 8/20/2011
poor two-bit, I was a little confused, was it soda he was lusting after?
lives of quiet desperation chapter 1 . 8/26/2010
Reviews make you happy? Well, here's a review. :)

I warn you I kinda suck at reviewing, but I'm giving it a shot. I'm trying to get better and give ... insightful (?) ... feedback. Lucky you to be the guinea pig for this new endeavor of mine. :P

To point out the obvious, I like this. I like this a LOT actually, and that's the main reason I'm making this the first story to go on my favorites list. I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of slash. It's not that I'm against being homosexual in any way, shape, or form. I just don't really buy that all the members of the gang would openly fuck each other in 1960's America. IN THE SOUTH, nonetheless. THE FREAKING BIBLE BELT SOUTH! So yeah. That basically knocks about 99% of the slash in this fandom off my "okay to read" list. So, I guess you should be proud you made the list? :P lol

One more big thing I wanna point out ... This is without a doubt a very WTF pairing if you ask me. For some odd reason, I can see Two-Bit with any of the gang. He's just one of those versatile characters, you know. But Darry? No freaking way, man. I mean, I can kinda see the guy being a queer, but if he were-I stress "if he were"-he'd probably be the most ashamed about his sexuality out of any of the guys in the gang. I know, I know... Logically speaking, they aren't ALL going to be gay, but hypothetically speaking ... Darry would probably be the most likely to try to stick to the social norms. Poor guy would so repress who he is. :( Awwh, it makes me sad now.

Moving on to another point, I really dig that this whole thing is one-sided, and that Two-Bit's gawking over Darry. At first, I'd have expected it to be Steve or Tim. (BTW, if you're looking for another pairing idea, the idea of Steve/Two-Bit is just making me go weak in the knees right now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE but that in your future slash arsenal of pairings. KTHANX!)

Hmmm, what else to say ... I'm kinda at a loss, so I'm gonna just wrap it up by stating what I think about this oneshot as a whole in one sentence.

That was hot, ironic, and tragic rolled into one. Don't ask why those were the words I picked. I REALLY don't know. They just ... came to me ... or some bullshit like that.

Et voila. Review. Proud of me? :P

Pish chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
Angsty-God, love it. Two Bit's crushing on Darry is very sad. Not on the attraction, but what it's putting him through. ;/ Odd but plausible one-sided pairing. 3
ketamine and ecstasy chapter 1 . 5/29/2010
I've been reminding myself not to delete the alert for this story since you posted it until tonight, and now I'm wishing I'd read it earlier!

This was so good. This POV is perfect for you and you're abilities. The story was good, it fit into the era perfectly, and it made you think as if you were Two-Bit Matthews, instead of like you were reading about him.

I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Guest chapter 1 . 5/4/2010
this is beautiful, in a really depressing way
some blue december chapter 1 . 5/4/2010
I love you. Have I told you that lately? Seriously, thank you for posting more!

As you watch him from the corner of your eye, a puff of smoke swirls from your lips. - Love second person, love this description, love this opening line.

You half wonder if under all that tan skin and sculpted muscle, he's feeling the same way. - ROAR

You sound like a broad, pinning over the guy with the biggest arms and deepest voice. He's good-looking, but not in that pretty-boy way. His brother is pretty—like a girl. Sometimes it makes you wonder if his brother is the same way as you. You could find out, you know, but as it stands, you'd rather not. If anyone ought to, it's that friend of his. Spending all that time together, pumping gas and Lord knows what else, and you know something has to have happened by now. - *takes deep breath* Holy frickin' hell. First, yes please to the pairing. Second, his brother really is pretty. Third, SOMETHING HAS TO HAVE HAPPENED BY NOW! And by that I mean I wouldn't mind reading some of that, too ;)

You would've changed, but you like the way it reminds you of who you're not supposed to be with. - Great line. As much as I totes ship Two-Bit/Kathy, I'm happy for her to be pushed to the side when it comes to slash, lol.

What you crave worse than the nicotine in your cigarettes is right beside you, and you can't have it. All you can do is watch, and hope, and pray that your selfish, impulsive behaviour doesn't get the better of you. - Just perfect. So damn angsty and good.

Your jokes have been stiffer, you've been devoid of any feeling other than lust, and every time you find the need to jack off, it's because of him. You picture his face, imagine his breath on your neck, feel his hand around your cock. It's never Kathy's face, or hands, or lips you think about. You haven't thought about her like that since the beginning of last month. Nearly eight weeks—fifty-six days—of pretending, and lying, and trying to convince yourself that you're not this way, and you know you're going to go down, regardless of whether or not you're able to keep everything contained. Because, in one way or another, you're going to sink yourself. It's inevitable. - Damn. Notice my lack of any intelligent comments? That's because I can't event think straight while reading this, lol. It is just amazing.

You don't know what he's doing out here. He doesn't smoke, and he's never enjoyed your company, yet he's standing here, waiting. It's typical that you'd read into it, but by this point, you're holding onto anything you can. - I love me some depressed, angsty, slashy Two-Bit, but Christ.

Kathy's bed is always open. - Love that last line.

This was great. I love the lack of anything physical. As much as I adore your M rated stuff, I really like that the only physical contact here wasn't Two-Bit's doing and that his lust was only one-sided. Great job.

Just Another Letdown chapter 1 . 5/4/2010
First off, you write second person incredibly well.

One day, your fantasies could become something real, and the idea scares you more than it excites you.- I loved this line.

Kathy's bed is always open.- Oh, Two-Bit.

I liked the emotion in this. Great work.
notactiveonff chapter 1 . 5/4/2010
Ookay. I don't have all that much to say, but I felt compelled to review in the past minute or so.

First off, thank you for the dedication. Props always make me smile. :)


-You've kinda seemed to develop this thing for second person, and I don't blame you. I've kinda started thinking that's the only way you CAN write slash as a result. Second person present tense seems like the winning combination.

-"Last time you checked, you were a guy, and he's a guy, and guys don't lust after other guys. They chase glossy bits of skirt and brag about all the women they've slept with."—That, to me, is quintessential Two-Bit. Just the wording there... Perfect. Plus, I like the rational there. I mean, this is the 60s. It'd seem pretty WTF for him to acting out on this urges in public.

-"You'll go to hell for it, never knowing if succumbing to what's inside was ever really worth the grief." Holy shit. Holy. Shit. HOLY SHIT! I think that might just be my favorite line you've ever written. Just ... deep, yet simple. :)

-Awesome, awesome, and I can't say I expected any less. I'm even surprised to say the amount of typos I caught was damn impressive (zero, I believe). So yeah, congratu-fucking-lations. I'm just a wee bit jealous.

-Andd on an ending note, while I love sexxors and really would love to see the two of them get it one sometime, I think it was good you held off on the PWP. Seemed quite a bit more realistic having him realize Darry was something he could never have. I loved that gradual realization and the end was perfect. :)