Reviews for The Test in the Texts
Hazmatt chapter 26 . 10/2/2018
Great story! I really enjoyed it!
Guest chapter 11 . 7/31/2017
I just love Agent Gunn! One of the best OCs (I assume he is one...?) I have seen so far:)
Adelled chapter 26 . 6/3/2015
Great read. Love Gunn.
morgan-va chapter 26 . 1/26/2013
Read this entire story today. Enjoyed it very much.
threesquares chapter 26 . 10/15/2012
I couldn't stop reading! I thought this was a fantastic story. Satisfying in its newness and cleverness but also in showing all the things we most want to see but never got to, explaining things that needed explaining, knocking Booth and Brennan up alongside the head to admit certain things. And when everyone -Parker!-gets to find out Booth is alive. Sigh. Tomorrow, I get to read the sequel. Thanks. Michele
threesquares chapter 10 . 10/15/2012
This is one of my favorite chapters of any fic anywhere! Telling Brennan what she did wrong, exactly why her heart is open, and how Booth. BOOTH, partnership expert has been winging it the entire time. I love it! So satisfying.
threesquares chapter 9 . 10/15/2012
This chapter wins the award for best closing line. Sigh. Plus all the bickering and love and ishy stuff. Mmmm. Love.
threesquares chapter 8 . 10/15/2012
Oooh I love this chapter. Totally unexplained mystery technology. The best kind! Also, prescience regarding being on the run, although it was Booth not Brennan renting the crappy apartment. Third, this: "He made a mental note to give Booth crap about his woman being an adrenaline junkie." HIS WOMAN! That's right, baby.
threesquares chapter 7 . 10/15/2012
The plot thickens. I really like the last lines. "The partners walked in silence side by side along the sidewalk, both thinking of the ways they owed the man who brought them together, and how they were going to do everything in their power to help him now, when he needed them most."
threesquares chapter 6 . 10/15/2012
Oooh, Booth, you knew that Brennan was going to need Gunn. And NatesMama, YOU are plotting a case fic! I like it!
threesquares chapter 5 . 10/15/2012
Aw crap I had to hit the back button to come back here. I read on without thinking! What a great backstory for Booth and Gunn, and really interesting to see Brennan through Gunn's eyes. Love it.
threesquares chapter 4 . 10/15/2012
Yes! I really like that rather than a retelling of the time that Booth died (NOT that there is anything wrong with that. I love those too.), this is taking place much later and Brennan gets to call on that time (she remembers "everything". Hah!) as she works through this one. Sigh.
threesquares chapter 3 . 10/15/2012
Ah, Vincent is here. And GREAT partner choice for Brennan. Perfect! (I like the idea of Booth doing the happy dance.) Also, a gratifyingly not totally disgusting Brennan losing her breakfast scene. And now the texts start to make sense. This is so exciting!
threesquares chapter 2 . 10/15/2012
I love how you considered each of the people in Booth's life and their particular sadness at his death. And I'm a sucker for a Brennan wandering through Booth's apartment scene, as always.
threesquares chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
Holy cow! How come I'm only reading this now! A code, a (hopefully) to rise from the dead Booth, a code! I love it. Just what I needed on this crappy Wednesday night. Onward!
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