Reviews for The Earthmate's Path, Generation 1
Tsukasa-kun chapter 2 . 7/23/2010
that was really cute! I hope you continue this, it's awesome!
EMOsBrother chapter 1 . 5/24/2010

Up until now, all I did was watching Anime, and reading fanfictions sometimes.

But when I read your story, I just couldnt stop to read (I am not lying).

Your story was about one of my favourite games AND it was perfectly written.

Im looking forward to the next chapter, and I hope you dont stop writing.

PS: If somebody says to you, that you can not write there is only one thing to do DO NOT BELIEVE

THEM! Have more self-confidence, because you are one of the best writers Ive ever seen.
TheOldMe17 chapter 1 . 5/19/2010
It's good

I hope it has more raguna/mist moment...

Can't wait for the next chapter )

Keep writing!
andriy chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
it was ok... but why is it rated M ?