Reviews for Full Exposure
acetwolf94 chapter 1 . 2/6/2017
Willpup chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
Damn, this was so deliciously dark.
masterdisk chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
" ...with more money than Bill Gates" ;D
great story!
Henpuku-Hime chapter 1 . 2/3/2011
Sweet! well, not really sweet, more bitter and tangy and coppery blood-like really, but with an enchanting and addicting after-taste. Anyway, you get what I mean.

I love the little Misery, Madness and Denial bit (A lot) as it made me giggle, which is what quite amazes me from all this. You have this wonderfully written piece of pure and perfect insanity, angst and bloodlust- and there's STILL bits in it that make me giggle!

And you managed to write Bruce as a murderer- and still keep him in character, although a bit more OPENLY sadistic. To me he sounds a bit like how I'd picture bats without his won boundaries. But then as a newbie to fighting. You've nailed the tension between these two perfectly- without even making them DO anything- and in general it just made me feel interested, and once again sucked in.

Why does your writing ALWAYS suck me in?

Wonderfully written piece of heaven, in the form of blood, murder and tension. Now THAT is what I call a nice read. Thanks.
Umino Akiko chapter 1 . 10/6/2010
"Ya know how Misery loves company? Well, think of Madness as the most popular kid in high school-" "And Denial is the nerdy friend he couldn't quite shake from Junior high."

Best lines ever. I'm going to start using that.
QuipsterQuisling chapter 1 . 5/3/2010
O, your Joker is simply brilliant. That bit with the Joker ("With a little training you could be..." He didn't finish the thought, only shivered.) nearly gave me goosebumps. It did make me grin in anticipation. I can't wait for more.
Hrr chapter 1 . 5/3/2010
oh i love its its awesome its a really original idea you should continue XD cant wait for more
whoopsimanonnow chapter 1 . 5/3/2010
This is beautiful and pure GOLD. Not only is it quite the original idea, but you have such a mastery of style and vocabulary that it makes it that much more engaging and entertaining. Spotted maybe a couple typos here and there, but beyond that this is BRIllIANT. So faving, hope to read more of this soon! I haven't been this excited since I heard the release date for Batman 3 (July 20 2012! GET EXCITED PEOPLE), and trust me, that's saying something. :3
Love this so much.