Reviews for It's About Family
d-kronk chapter 10 . 3/30/2013
Wonderful job. I loved the character study and how all of them were portrayed and their thoughts on the others. I hope the three of you work together again, you did a great job and your styles meshed so well that if you didn't do the author notes I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to tell who wrote what, which is exactly how it should be when you have a group of authors.
d-kronk chapter 9 . 3/30/2013
Oooh... I really like her point of view, so bitter. And then the revelations of what she's done to try and break up the team. Wow. I definitely didn't see that coming. I love her getting called into the directors office. And I'm hoping it is definitely over.
d-kronk chapter 8 . 3/30/2013
I love Rossi standing up to her and pushing her. And I really like his assessment of his relationship with Penelope and realizing what she is to the team. And her response when he asked if he wanted to know where she got her information is great... and I still want to know what that information is.
d-kronk chapter 7 . 3/30/2013
I really like how you've written Penelope. I love her first thoughts being that she was being fired. And her now believing the others when they praise her. I really like Strauss slipping in front of her and Penelope running with the information and digging into Strauss.
d-kronk chapter 6 . 3/30/2013
I really Emily's thoughts, and I feel redundant saying that since I think I stated that with every chapter so far. :-) I like her own self reflection in this and knowing that her faults don't matter, she's still part of the family.
d-kronk chapter 5 . 3/30/2013
I really like this portrayal of JJ. I like how Strauss just brushes over her, not really understanding what she does with the team and JJ thinking of her just as the reporters when she first started. I like Strauss trying to get to her by using Henry and JJ throwing back that the team is just as much part of her family.
d-kronk chapter 4 . 3/30/2013
I am really enjoying everyone's thoughts as they go in to talk to Strauss. I love Reid recognizing his weaknesses and knowing what the rest of the team does for him. And I love Reid turning down the offer.
d-kronk chapter 3 . 3/30/2013
Great job with Derek's thoughts. I really like how much he trusts his team and knows how much they accept him for exactly who he is. His response to her question is great.
d-kronk chapter 2 . 3/30/2013
I really like Hotch's point of view. I like his thoughts about how he used to be and him standing up to Strauss was great. I'm looking forward to seeing the other's interviews.
d-kronk chapter 1 . 3/30/2013
Great start. I love Penelope's touch and whispered words immediately getting Derek to calm down. And I love Rossi immediately assuming the complaints were with Hotch and him bringing up what had happened before. And everyone's shock is great.
The-blackfirewolf chapter 10 . 1/25/2013
Ahhh this is such a sweet story! :3 loved it! Especially the parts where the whole team had the same thoughts about Erin. ;) bitch...
Angels-heart1 chapter 10 . 5/23/2012
HAHA! Loved the story! But damn Strauss is one heartless bitch!

Great story, absolutely loved it!
Damira chapter 10 . 5/2/2012
Hi there, as I have tried to leave a comment on all your stories, I will do so on this one too. Which is hard, because I like you and I don't want to hurt you or offend you, and I don't want to lie either. So, I have read it and I really don't like it. The team was way too snotty the end was weird (I kept searching if I missed a chapter) and the plot regarding Strausses ambitions was over the top. Don't get me wrong, I liked the character studies but they felt like being forced into the storyline which shot the reading fluency to hell. And a tiny side note, you wrote: "Here, here!" Prentiss cheered. The idiom is actually, "hear, hear." - Originated in the British parliament in the 18th century as a

contraction of 'hear him, hear him'. It is still often heard there

although it is often used ironically these days. Source: www . phrases . org . uk

Please don't hate me. *Hides*
Emalee chapter 10 . 8/13/2010
this character study is amazing! i love how vividly described their feelings and thoughts abt strause and the team. is there a sequal? i want to know what happens next with strause!
writersblock24 chapter 10 . 5/21/2010
Haha, awww. I love it! Erin is definitely a bitch. Great story.
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