Reviews for ShitennouxSenshi Shorts
Vchanny chapter 114 . 6/21
The feels in this short piece! So sweet.
Serendipity Kat chapter 70 . 5/26
I love the idea of Amy being a mermaid, a siren. And not the nice kind of ones either. This would be fun to see more stories in this verse, or even a full-blown chaptered fic with A/Z.

-Seren Kat
Serendipity Kat chapter 50 . 5/26
This reminds me of Sin City, but way better. This would be incredible as a full story. I can see the film reel play in my head. Corny, I know. Haha

-Seren Kat
A Summer's Melody chapter 114 . 5/16
Aww this was sweet
Richforce chapter 114 . 5/12
Awesome job.
Thao chapter 113 . 3/27
What a wonderful series of shorts to come back to after a decade away from the fandom! I love your characterization and am looking forward to any future drabbles you may come up with.
Llavender chapter 113 . 3/15
It’s a little sad as you said, but I find it promising... Perhaps she feels something for him and he doesn’t know that. It’d be a nice following chapter to see how she feels and how they finally comes to terms with their feelings
Vchanny chapter 113 . 3/11
Richforce chapter 113 . 12/24/2019
Nice job.
Cluckster chapter 113 . 12/24/2019
I am going through the same emotional fallout so this is exactly what I needed. Something that is equal parts romantic and sad. "for the life of him, he couldn't find his favorite button-down Oxford." Love it. Thank you for this and Merry Christmas!
Vchanny chapter 112 . 10/24/2019
Oooh! Different!
A Summer's Melody chapter 111 . 8/7/2019
Awww poor Mercury. This was immensely entertaining. I’ve never, ever considered how retrograde would affect the senshi. Great work!
Bethany89 chapter 111 . 8/1/2019
I never thought about using such a detail in a story! Mercury in retrograde, ha! But...isn't it in retrograde a lot? I feel like every time I glance at a horoscope it says something to that effect. Either way, I really loved this snippet!
Singing Dove chapter 111 . 7/31/2019
Nice one. Poor mercury!
Richforce chapter 111 . 7/31/2019
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