Reviews for Life Isn't Fair
Guest chapter 1 . 3/3/2014
I have 2 responses:
First, this is interesting. You've managed to write an interesting one-shot.
Second, your second is against the rules.
Evilprincess98 chapter 2 . 8/10/2011
I love this oneshot. It's amazing. This next part is for all you people who said mean things about this story. If you didn't like it DON'T F*CKING REVEIW! The author didnt "sensesly bash" the characters. How do you know that didn't happen? Huh? Honestly. It's happen! A girl hates a guy, he changes a bit and their in love! If I knew who you were "Nora" there'd be a fight. next time, READ THE SUMMARY AND RATING STUFF! There is a thing called attention to detail. also, why don't you get a account? Everyone who flames stories, are not logged in. So we can't give you a piece of our mind. All of the people who flamed, your no better than anyone else. I'm just glad you retards didnt review my story. Here's something you should know "if you are too much of a coward to sign in before you flame, we don't give a s*hit about you." I wish i knew who everyone that flamed was. So I could tell you all of this to your miserable faces.I hope you know that the reason people like you pick on others, is because you want attention. So go get a f*ckin life and leave awesome stories alone.
Catching A Common Cold chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
Hey, no matter what this 'Nora' chick says, I thought your story was pretty good. Admittedly, you could have dragged it on a bit; maybe add some situation in what Lucius has done to Narcissa to make her hate him, but each to their own, and it was amazing all the same. :)

Moindre chapter 2 . 5/27/2010
It's quite different seeing her not liking him at all. But he's just too handsome to resist, even to her ;)!
WaterTear chapter 2 . 5/24/2010
Rosa Le Barge:

Sorry for the english ( I'm hispanic) You know I don't like your story because it was to short. ): I hope you write a longer story. I think people are getting to psycho with all this stuff,I think you people have to calm down... and Rosa forget w/e those airheads told you about your story, because when you read their stories is like reading shit. ;) Keep Going! I hope you write a BIG story of my to favorite blondes 3 Fuck the all shitty comments and yeah! You GO GIRL! :)

E.A.A chapter 2 . 5/5/2010
I must say, it is really immature to use this entire chapter as a response to a review... furthermore, you've wasted five minutes of MY life with your antics... I'm not going to, but someone could report you since it's against the fanfiction author agreement to use a new chapter for an authors note. I would know this since I am an author on this site. However, you won't be able to reply to this review since I am too lazy to sign in, and don't bother with another "Chapter review" since I will not be returning to this story. I just thought I'd let you know what I thought of your professionalism. A rude review isn't the end of the world and a bigger person will just ignore it
Lili Evans dotcom chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
Hey there, Wow I feel like I've just stepped into a battlefield I'm not really sure where to start..

Well first of all, I actually quite liked the "fic". I'm saying it's the best I've ever seen written from this pairing but, it doesn't seem AWFULLY out of character for Lucius and Narcissa. I actually always imagined Lucius to be the spoilt, womanising bastard who has to have an arranged marrige with a pureblood lady AKA Narcissa and that they both hate each other and then they both fall in love. So to me at least, this "tearing to shreds of Lucius' character" seems quite possible indeed probable from a very pissed off teenage girl And I really liked the last line; witty, ironic and fitting. So far it's all good.

What did disappoint me however was when I saw there was a "new" chapter up and found it was only a rant about a flame review. I'm not going to nag, ;) I thought Nora's review was a little pathetic and certainly unreasonably vicous in it's critisism but the point is, I do wish you hadn't sunk to her level. It's seems a shame that every person who DID like the story and who comes along hopeing for another chapter has to instead read this slightly silly temper tantrum.

Everybody gets flame reviews, trust me, no story is ever universally liked, but the best thing you can is ignore them or, on a more positive note, say thank you for them. At least they hated it enough to review. I'm always just pleased it adds to the count ;) Anyway, I sound like a moralizing nun so I'd better stop there before you send me a very scary reply lol

I just wanted you to know that I really do like your story and quite a few of your other works, so please spend your efforts wrting them not arguing with people who want to use their time spewing venom. :)

luv ya and keep ya chin up lol

Lil x
Cassiopeia56 chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
I actually really liked this story. I bit of diversity is a good thing. Yeah sure I love the whole they were in love thing, but they might not have been at the very start. Fact is, JK never wrote how or why they got married so they could have hated each other. Besides not many character's in the series actually like him anyway i.e. the Weasley's so it is very plausible that Narcissa didn't either. Anyway... I liked your oneshot, it made me laugh :D
Nice to see something a bit different for a change. I never really saw Narcissa as a starstruck Juliet anyway :D
Kat chapter 2 . 4/30/2010
Lucius is love.
This fanfic...not so much.
If you like a character/pairing, why write a fanfic that senselessly bashes them?
I sent this fanfic to my friends, and they agree. All of us love Lucius, and seeing your favorite character bashed evokes a certain feeling, you know? Honestly this made me and my friends angry. Now that I know its a parody. I get it, even though honestly I didn't find it in the least bit funny. But that's just me. You have your opinion, I have mine.

And like Nora said, don't get offended. People aren't always going to like your story. I'll admit the disgusting comment wasn't cool either, but calling her disgusting back wasn't any better than what she said. Everyone needs to chill.

I am going to read the rest of your stories, however and give you the benefit of the doubt.

As for Nora, I challenge your love of Lucius. I bet I love him more!
Nora chapter 2 . 4/30/2010
I had intended to apologize for my reaction, upon seeing this is a parody, but I think calling me disgusting made me stop wanting to. If I have overreacted, my friend, you most certainly have as well. Bad reviews happen. I've gotten them before. My advice to you is take them in stride. You took the time to take shots at me, so what I said obviously bothered you. I'll admit I did the same when I first got a bad review. It's what kept me away from fanfiction for a time. But, for the record. I assure you that I do write, and I've won awards for it. So the "I write and you don't" excuse doesn't cut it. Just because I don't have an account on here to leave a signed review doesn't mean that I don't write.

Like I said, I'm a fangirl, and pretty batsh*t crazy when it comes to my fandom, so I tend to take things to heart. A fangirl's devotion knows no boundaries. Whereas its probably creepy, yes, I'll agree to that.

My suggestion is the next time you write a parody, for the love of GOD label it. You won't get reviews like mine if you do that.

And since I don't have an account and can't leave a signed review, to prove I'm not a coward. Here's my email: Feel free to bash me there. Since I daresay I came out more reasonable this time around. If you still find me disgusting, its your perogative. I'm guilty of being quite obsessive, quite defensive, and I overlook details. I'd like to assure you that had I known that this was a parody I never would have left a review like that. Now I've realized that your not a true hater, so I have no more qualms. Whether or not you do is on you.

But really, there's no reason to lash out on nasty people, because generally they'll find it hilarious. Just making a note of that.
Shiloh chapter 2 . 4/30/2010
You'd save yourself a lot of time and headaches if you labeled it correctly in the first place. If its supposed to be a joke, it should be parody.
anabelle chapter 2 . 4/30/2010
I thought it was funny!
meloeyeloe chapter 2 . 4/30/2010
I guess at first when I saw this I thought it must be just because you don't like Lucius/Narcissa, which is completely fine because different people have DIFFERENT opinions Nora! But now that I realise that you liek the pairing and it was a joke, I think maybe you could put Parody into the genres list, all the same, it was your OPINION! And I think that everyone should appreciate that Rosa Le Barge had an idea to a story that you did not like and decided to write it, Nora! Also, this isn't the Harry Potter world and we don't act childish and immature and pretend that some of us are "lowly" muggle borns and that some of us are "high and mighty" pure bloods. We also don't hate on fanfiction readers if they like "mudbloods." Frankly, I LOVE MUGGLE BORNS! So don't judge me for going against you Nora, but Rosa Le Barge has her own opinion and you need to respect that! *I have no comment about this story*
Steph chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
I love this, please make it into a full story!
Nora chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
Way to canon rape Narcissa. Do me a favor, read the "Spinner's End" chapter of HBP, and it will be OBVIOUS that Narcissa loves him.

If there is NOTHING in this fandom that I hate more, its people who canon rape the Malfoys. And I'm a roleplayer, and I've seen some horrible canon rape, just like this poor excuse for a story.

Or is this just a personal shot at Lucius because you dislike him? (Which I can't understand why considering Lucius is the best character in the series)

And OF COURSE girls throw themselves at him, OF COURSE guys want to be like him. HE'S LUCIUS FREAKIN' MALFOY! He is the epitome of everything people wish they were, but are too self-righteous to admit it.

So go ahead and take shots at him, but I am a VERY proud Lucius Malfoy fangirl, and I stand by my man. There are many more things I'd like to say to you, but unfortunately, this site probably has rules about what I can post in a review. So I'll leave it at you have my undying disgust, since you're probably a mudblood lover anyway.
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