Reviews for Masks
musicbox chapter 2 . 7/31/2012
When I found out Lightning was the mom I was literally screaming yes.
Aslickain Kiant chapter 18 . 10/24/2010
I think u did very well _ u deserve (at the least in my book) a b- cuz I liked the plot :) I'm a lazyass authoress with a bunch of soccer, school, ect., blocking my review time.

Thank god! Ur a guy! I always assume it's a girl tht writes fanfictions, bt mayb it's just hard to find a guy tht likes romance like I do... Hm...

Anyway, I would be thrilled to read more of ur stories! :)
JesusisLove chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
hi, I just started reading this, but I didn't quite get what Xigbar did to Namine. Can you explain it to me?
second soul of a cat chapter 18 . 7/27/2010
I LOVE this story! *u*

I'd always thought Namine would be.. a bit more... peaceful? haha, but I love the way you characterized her in this story...and wow, you're a guy? (I'd never thought a guy would write fanfic or a romance hahah XD)
Vain Harmony chapter 18 . 6/27/2010
I don't know what to comment on first. The fact that Roxas was owned by a new-born baby or that Naminé was going to murder him. Hmm, decisions, decisions.

XION AND ROXAS? Yaaaaaayz! :D

M-Make Ventus come baaaack! ;-;

Juuuust kidding. But seriously, there was no need to murder the dude.
Vain Harmony chapter 17 . 6/27/2010
But there's still one more chapter. o_O

Jeez, the last chapters were like it came straight from one of Ellen-I think it was Ellen-Hopkins books! If you don't know her, look her up and you'll know what I mean.

VEEEEEEEENTUUUUUUS! Why'd you kill him off like that? ;-; I almost cried for him. Almost.

We all knew who "The Petal Killer" was. xD It was very obvious because of the name.

(Children don't read)

FUCK YOU, VANITAS! You can suck my non-existent balls!

Haha, amazing story. :)
Vain Harmony chapter 16 . 6/27/2010
Hey, hey. There's still two chapters left. xD I almost felt sorry for Naminé. Almost.

Next chapter, here I come!
Vain Harmony chapter 15 . 6/27/2010
. . . oh.

HAHAHAHAHA~ I never laughed this hard my whole life! Z-O-M-G!

"Die." "NOOOOOOO!" Fucking fiarious( hilarious )!

Why'd you kill Ventus! He was my favourite character! D:

No offense or anything, but you're story is seriously fucked up. But in a good way.
Vain Harmony chapter 14 . 6/27/2010
So many possibilities! It could be she saw Ventus doing a girl-the girl could be one of their friends-or Ventus and his family dead, or Ventus, his family and all their friends dead or alive. And then one of my favourites: Roxas cryingto Ventus! Sooo many things!

Ohh. Anyway, Roxas is a bit crazy, isn't he? He seems like a mass murderer! Jeez, poor Roxy.
Vain Harmony chapter 13 . 6/27/2010
Seriously, someone should keep the bitch on a leash.

Naminé is making a big deal about everything-and making herself the center of it all. Fuck, if she wanted drama, why the hell is she complaining? Sure, I understand she's "been through tough times." Pfft! Bullshit! She wouldn't last a day in someone else's shoes-doesn't matter who it is, she still wouldn't make it!

I should calm down a bit. Haha, it's only a story. xD

But I would love it if Roxas were to end up with Xion instead of the bitch-I'll continue calling her that until she takes a bloody chill pill and calms the fuck down.

Oh. And please excuse my language.
Vain Harmony chapter 12 . 6/27/2010
You're turning one of my favourite character into one of my least favourite characters. Naminé, in my point of view, is an over emotional, immature, snotty, spoiled teenager.

Totally out of character.

I really do hope she matures, even if it's only slightly.
Vain Harmony chapter 11 . 6/27/2010
Jeez, I really want to bash Naminé's head into the wall. She acts as if she has the right to be "concerned" for him. Then when he won't tell her, she pulls the "Or I'll hate you!" card. Pfft. Whatever.

So to sum things up: She's seems more like a-I can't spell today. Is that right?-manivulated bitch.


And Van-Van needs to keep his hands to himself.
Vain Harmony chapter 10 . 6/27/2010
Oh. My. Great. One.

He molested Naminé! Holy fuckerdoodles! Was he DRUNK or something?
Vain Harmony chapter 9 . 6/27/2010
I don't know if I reviewed this or not . . but I'm assuming I didn't since it's letting me. xD

Roxas sera-what! Haha! I can't even begin to imagine the possibilities on how he'd do it if he were to in the game!

Man, nice job. xD
Vain Harmony chapter 8 . 6/24/2010
Hmm . . I pick 4) All of the above.

I like the mob idea because that would just be epic. But I like the Roxas bumps ups the romance by beating him up.

Decisions, decisions.
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