Reviews for Triptych
Lollypop chapter 30 . 8/23/2013
brucy chapter 30 . 9/19/2012
This story is pretty nice, I really like Scarecrow and Jonathan is too cute! Please keep going!
nigmas chapter 30 . 9/2/2012
Awesome :) xx
Professor J. L. Nemo chapter 30 . 7/2/2011
*standing ovation*

Please continue this. Please.

Such great work should never be left on a shelf.
B.N.Bennett chapter 30 . 5/17/2011
OMG! This is the best Scarecrow/Jon/OC fic I have read..EVER! You gotta update soon. I need more! I love the relationship you have between Jon and Scarecrow. Big brother looking after little brother. So sweet! I NEED MORE! PLEASE!
Chelsea chapter 30 . 5/12/2011
I must have more! I'm sincerely loving this. 3 I adore the way you portray Jon and Scarecrow...nothing short of brilliant. Thank you!
Sepsis chapter 30 . 4/10/2011
wonderful! I really hope you go on with it. :)
Dontgotaclue88 chapter 30 . 1/9/2011
Wow... I love this story so far and can't wait to read more of it! .
Rogue Requiem chapter 29 . 12/7/2010
Forgive me if this seems like a double review from my last one, but I forgot to tell you that I really enjoy the brief lines of poetry you add before each chapter. I just completed a semester's worth of both British Literature II and American Literature I, and a good portion of both of them involved poetry, so most of the poems that are in your story, I know veeeeeery well. They really set the tone and/or theme for each chapter; you've chosen them very wisely. Extra kudos and respect to you!
Rogue Requiem chapter 30 . 12/7/2010
I think this has to be one of may favorite Dr. Crane/Scarecrow stories ever! Seriously, I'm amazed. And imaging Rachel McAdams as Rebecca is the perfect fit! Ever since I saw Red Eye with her and Cillian Murphy in it together, I've just been infatuated with the two of them together. It just works out somehow.

Anyway, back to your story. I just love everything about it. The way you've written Jonathan and his alter-ego Scarecrow is spot on for me. I've noticed you've even done some research about Jonathan's past from some of the Batman comics and have faithfully applied some of his background that has really given some depth to his character and to the story. And, no, I've never read the comics myself; everything I know from Batman, I know from the older cartoons, Wikipedia, and Christopher Nolan's universe. I like how you're developing Rebecca Albright, too. I don't know much about her beyond this story, but I feel what I do know is a lot compared to many stories I've read on this site with a female love interest. The difference? Becky isn't one-dimensional, at least not to me, so congratulations! Also, I like that you're developing their relationship slowly. They're not immediately going, "OMG! I love you! LET'S HAVE SEX!" nor is it not going to any place in particular. The pacing is just right.

And, admittedly, I'm not one for short chapters, so I was a little apprehensive with reading your story, thinking I wouldn't get much out of it. I want to say thank you so much for effectively proving me wrong! To me, it's like, yeah, these chapters are short, but you say SO MUCH in them, and I feel that they are really connected with each other and flow together really well. Even though this story is thirty chapters in, I'm hoping you're just getting started on this because you can count on me being onboard for whatever direction and for however long you want to make this story. It deserves much more than one hundred reviews. More like one thousand plus! I look forward to what you do with this, and wish you luck for your next chapter. Until the next update!
Luvisia chapter 30 . 10/9/2010
I love the new chapters!

Thank you for describing Becky more. It adds to her chracter :)

I really like how you wrote Jonathan and Scarecrow!

Please continue!

puddingcup chapter 30 . 7/17/2010
I really like the comparison between Gotham and Gotham's night sky. Very clever :)
My Beautiful Ending chapter 30 . 7/16/2010
Ohh, poor becky. yay an update! :D I'm happy. maybe jon in the next one...? ;)
Artemis Queen of the Stars chapter 30 . 7/16/2010
Madness is me chapter 30 . 7/15/2010
marvelous chapters!
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