Reviews for The Youngest Survivor
Ellismskd24 chapter 1 . 11/23/2019
Ellis' stories may be annoying, but they can help if you’re trying to keep a baby from attracting any more zombies.
Don't Die chapter 3 . 10/15/2014
Ellis picked up Zoey, then Zoey opened her eyes a little and got a little look at Ellis. Then she whispered Ellis. He said what in a sad voice. Zoey whispered:Did I just get attacked by a tank? Yes. Said Ellis sadly. He took her inside. Zoey! Shouted Francis. Ellis did you do this? NO! Shouted Ellis. She was being attacked by a tank,THAT IS WHY SHE SCREAMED! AND YOU WERE NOT THERE FOR HER! And you said she was yours! So Ellis carried Zoey to a seat in the safe room. Oh my gosh. What happened to Zoey? Said Coach. She was... then Ellis was inerupted by a horde. Nick shot all the zombies. Nick how did you kill all of those?
Not gettin along chapter 2 . 10/15/2014
Francis don't treat MY Zoey like that! Said Ellis. What do you mean your Zoey? Said Francis. I meant she is my Zoey! That is what I meant! Said Ellis. NO SHE IS MINE! Francis shouted. STOP! Shouted Zoey. I don't want people to fight over me! It makes me feel very weird inside, also I don't want to be fought over being LOVED! I am gonna go out of the safe room for a while. No,wait Zoey! Said Ellis. I am coming with you! No Ellis,I want to be alone. Said Zoey. Now look what you've done. Said Francis. Now look what you've done! Said Ellis. Then out side the safe house where Zoey went Ellis and Francis heard a scream. ZOEY! Shouted Ellis. Then Ellis ZOOMED out the door. He saw Zey being attacked by a tank! I'll help you! Shouted Ellis. Ellis shot the tank over and over again ti'l it died. Zoey you okay? Zoey didn't move. Zoey your okay? Your okay right!? Once again Zoey didn't move. Come on Zoey speak to me! Said Ellis. He saw Zoey just then close her eyes. He knew she wasn't dead. She was just dying.
Surviving chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
Get in the safe house Bill! Couch shouted as they were in front of the safe house door. I'm coming! Bill said walking slowly into the safe room. You alright? Zoey asked. Not really. Said Bill. I only have 15 things of health left. Well heal then! Said Ellis. Bill sighed as he said there are no more healing kits. Oh. Said Ellis. Then Zoey shut the shut the safe house door. You know we gotta find a house to stay in,we can't just keep moving and moving and moving. She is right. Rochelle said. Yeah,we can't keep moving. Said Bill. Alright but not yet. Said Couch. We have't to find a house first to stay in! K. Said Ellis. Come on we have't to keep moving,we can't just stay in one place,we won't make it! Said Francis. How do you KNOW? Ellis said. Francis sighed and slapped Ellis in the face. Hey,get some respect in you! Zoey said. Look Zoey don't get involved in this! Francis said. Don't tell me what to do! Said Zoey. I can if I want. Francis smiled.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/7/2013
I will make sure you'll make more stories!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/7/2013
Lovin' it.
the person chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
love the story 3
Austen chapter 4 . 4/10/2011
I read all four chapters and find them fairly interesting. The PG-13 part made me sad but I'll get over it. I think you have done a very good job and I personally plan to donate. Do you have any form of a timeline in which the movie will be made or is it still in the creation stage? Looking forward to more info.
Banana Charlie chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
LOL that was great!
holyclannad chapter 2 . 6/14/2010
Bill is SO CUTE!
Oldsong chapter 4 . 5/20/2010
chapter kind of went by fast , kinda dissaptoing .
That Engineer chapter 4 . 5/14/2010
that was good, but i like the hunter. and the city;s called Baton Rouge
CANTfindKEYBORED chapter 4 . 5/14/2010
You go Ellis, FIGHT FOR THAT BABY! XD Loved this chapter! Good to know Bill didnt die, and that Ellis and Zoey got married. And Nick and Rochelle, so cute! Cant wait for the next one! I want to see what happens to everyone and how Ellis, Zoey, and Bill are as a family, SO CUTE...AGAIN! lol Anyway the next story sounds great and I cant wait for it, hopefully its up soon cus I cant wait for it any longer, and I just found out about it today! LOL, anyway this was a great story and I cant wait for what comes next! :D
TheTheifLord chapter 3 . 5/11/2010
"The only thing you've done for him so far is try and make him say 'Vest' by the way it's your turn to carry." Nick replied.

"No! It's yours!" Francis argued.

"Yours!" Nick yelled.

"Yours!" Francis screamed.

"Yours!" Nick screamed louder.

"YOURS!" Francis yelled so loud it scared the zombies outside away.

"Mine." Nick said smugly.

"No it's not yours it's mine!" Francis said.

"Ok then it's yours." Nick laughed.

"Hell yeah it's mine...Oh...Wait a second...YOU CHEATED!" Francis yelled.

"Did not. Your just stupid." Nick laughed.

"Your stupid!" Francis yelled.

I though that was very amusing!


I love this story. It's funny, and a nice change. P
suzi chapter 3 . 5/10/2010
please oh please continue, this amused me so much and my sister totally loves it. Looking forward to your next update!
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