Reviews for Grant Me This Wish
tanseynz chapter 21 . 5/22/2019
You didn’t finish it after all!
Y’know, that’s fine. It was a strong plot, interesting characterisation and a good mix of species. Needed a bit of editing, however, an enjoyable read.
Ty for sharing so much of it.
AiMila chapter 7 . 1/10/2016
no! no! nonononononono!
Guest chapter 21 . 12/12/2014
Good story - will you be continuing it?
Guest chapter 21 . 6/13/2014
well one day it will be finished... just waiting
anelawilliams chapter 20 . 4/16/2014
WAIT! Where is the rest? I was in tears and I couldn't stop reading, I loved this. It was so good. Please write another chapter to inform me if they do indeed survive.
PolarLuv chapter 21 . 11/20/2013
This is exciting! Love it and can't wait for more! :)
Guest chapter 21 . 9/19/2013
Well, I hope you will have good chapters since it's been a long time
WeirdLittleStories chapter 9 . 8/15/2013
Um, actually, a new species wouldn't be joining STARFLEET; they'd be joining the FEDERATION. It's the United Federation of Planets, if you want the full name.
Jacil chapter 21 . 8/12/2013
Hello there. I really like your story. It has a very nice plot and you did well on the characters. All of them. I have been reading your author's note, that sometimes it take so long to update your next chapter? Well... I just hope that you keep on writing this story. It is very nice to read... you know. Ok, so it is nice to read your story and all, good luck on your other update, if you can do it. Here you go, I will give a Triple thumbs up. I hope your satisfied with that. And... goodbye.
Guest chapter 21 . 7/31/2013
As long as you actually are going to finish this story, please continue... Waiting anxiously for those chapters!
WingFeathers chapter 21 . 7/17/2013
Excellent job, especially on the characters and the believability of the writing.
I love it and I hope one day you'll finish it :)
Tishbing chapter 21 . 1/12/2013
Please finish? Please?
HushLittleSleipnir chapter 21 . 7/31/2012
PadmeSkywalker10 chapter 21 . 5/8/2012
I love this story. The slow build, the action, everything! I really hope that you come back and finish it one day.
disgusted chapter 15 . 4/22/2012
Okay, I'm done with this story at this chapter. You and I have a vastly different view of Star Trek characters. The very thought that Spock Prime would admit to knowing what happened to Vulcan? uh eh. And we've all seen that yes, he would lie before admitting or giving away a classified information to the freaking Romulans and the fact that he knows it, would be classified information. He's a freaking IDIOT for admitting that. And frankly THAT IS NOT SPOCK OR SELEK.

Also this statement, "Spock was cautious as he entered the recreation room. It was not a place he often visited. In fact, it was a place he never visited. He was only able to find it because Nyota had told him where to find it."

Pardon me while I sit back and laugh my esses off. There is no way in hell I'd ever believe there was a single room aboard ship that Spock would not have known the location of, regardless if he'd ever stepped foot in it. He's the freaking first officer. He's also a Vulcan with a damn good memory. He'd know the blueprints of the Enterprise backwards, forwards, and sideways.

Ridiculous that he'd not know where a rec room was.

You obviously don't think much of the Vulcans, unless it's useless-what-are-they-even-doing-in-this-story-because-they-add-NOTHING-to-it OC Vulcan's you've written, where a whole starbase is going to be built on Vulcan to solve your damn OC's little 'problem'.

I really really hate when canon characters are dumbed down to make other characters appear smart/awesome. I especially hate that canon characters are dumbed down just because.

And then you have the freaking NERVE to have Selek, not knowing what to do? for real? Because anyone who thinks he would even consider it AT ALL, doesn't know Star Trek. The Vulcans would NEVER even half ass think about handing over such a powerful world destroying weapon to the Romulans, even if they thought it was the only possible way to save what is left of their race.

I haven't been this disgusted in a story in a long time.
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