Reviews for Sloth
GrayRainbows chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
Poor, tortured kid!

Nice to get something from Chris' POV. Thank you.

I hope you'll come back and write more...I see it's been a while (for me, too! Inspiration is a fickle thing.)

I'm curious about the times we aren't told of, in POTW. What was happening with him, away at school, for instance.

Anyway, you portray his internal struggle here very credibly. It's powerful, and that he doesn't constantly verbalize his unhappiness adds to the sympathy I feel for him. You capture that adolescent mindset well! He's still a boy in many ways, clinging to his trust in corinne, yet he shows some maturity in the way he struggles with doubts, and ttries not to burden Cathy with them. It's interesting to see the progression of his thoughts.
FireStarDragon chapter 1 . 3/16/2013
Wow... This was one hell of a read! You did an amazing job! I like how you explored Chris's thoughts about how monotonous his life had become, how it seemed like there was truly nothing to do. Your use of repetition was well executed and totally interesting as well.

Thank you for posting this. You're a wonderful author.

koreseason chapter 1 . 9/18/2010
This one of the rare fanfics in which we hear Chris's voice and I really enjoyed it

I like how you used the repetition of nothing and really explored a character who despite being a focal character in te series lacks a voice
love chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
6kimiko6 chapter 1 . 8/16/2010
I luv ur story! Its like probably what Chris was thinking too!
ShortLILPunk chapter 1 . 6/16/2010
This story was breathtaking. It was real and raw. You did an amazing job at Chris' thoughts. Seeing things from his point of view was really refreshing and gave us readers the other half of the story that we didn't even know we were missing. I mean, I know I didn't realize how good it would be to see Chris' pov, but it was outstanding.

You are very good at the details in his mind. You are also very good at capturing his thought process. I believed I was really reading his thoughts. You made it so real for me with just a one-shot.

There's just one problem though... I NEED MORE!

Will you please do more of Chris' thoughts? I will be very grateful! )
Eponine chapter 1 . 5/8/2010
Wow. This is a great exploration of Chris' thoughts. It's nice when someone writes from his POV since the only voice we really hear from the books is Cathy's. And the way you wrote Chris' thoughts sounds very much like in character.

I always thought he had it tougher up in the attic since he never had anyone to turn to for guidance and to lean on for strength when he's feeling weak. Cathy at least had him to rely on to be strong and optimistic and be the grown up. Cathy could afford to whine and complain to him, but Chris couldn't do that to Cathy since she was younger and was already prone to depression as is. He had to be stronger and more optimistic for her. That had to be tough for a teenage boy.