Reviews for the hollow men
psav2005 chapter 1 . 8/2/2019
Hey there, can't believe I missed this story before we both moved on from the Zoey 101 fandom to others. I hope everything is going well. I've been feeling really nostalgic lately and was looking through some of your stories I had favorited and realized that I missed reading this one. Just wanted to say I really enjoyed it and after going back and rereading Neurotic it definitely works as a prequel to that story.
hjkl chapter 1 . 3/10/2012
do a sequal plzzz
Mikaela-Nicole chapter 1 . 7/28/2010
I have never read such a wonderful Logan / Quinn story. I have a thing for angsty romance stories, and this just hit the spot. It was beautiful. Keep writing lovely things like this.


aceanx chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
Ok, so my e-mail decides it's not going to give me any FF notifications anymore. It's been like this for over a month now, and I'm pissed off that I missed two new stories from you! This was freaking fantastic. Can words even describe how awesome this is? Nope. It's just that awesome. Just awesome. I also have writer's block which refrains me from giving a good, proper review. You see, whenever I read a story, I can't find the words to say, or write a super long review. I'm working on that. One of these days, I'll give you a super long review that you deserve!
Heart of the Lullaby chapter 1 . 4/27/2010
Hey Erika. Ahh it's been awhile, hasn't it? I've always loved this story arc since the beginning. You and Ariana built on it with each amazing story and this is no exception.

This is an excellent prequel to "Neurotic" and I can definitely see how this could all go downhill from here. Logan (even if drunk) would be hard to resist ;D

I love how Quinn knows that David is better for him, that things are easier and more simple with him, yet we all know down inside she still loves Logan.

But this one line struck a chord with me, "You don't love David because I don't love Annie. We always did click - in that fucked-up kind of way. But we did match." Drunk or not, I believe this was how Logan felt about the whole situation.

Anyway, great oneshot! I'll definitely miss reading your stories here in the archive, but as long as you'll be posting every so often. I'm kind of drifting away from the fandom right now as well. It's been over for almost 2 years now. But hopefully, I'll be posting every so often too.
Miss you. Let's talk soon, yes? 3
Li'l Milk Glass Chicky chapter 1 . 4/22/2010

I'm loopy right now anyway, so I'm wondering if I'm imagining this, lol. Gawd, I've missed you writing Quogan. This made my night. I could sputter off some more understatements, but I'm gonna quote my fave parts instead. ;)

- "Quinn."

Logan's saying her name evenly and she's slowly turning around, looking into the eyes of a teenage boy rather the ones that belong to someone married and miserable. -


"We always did click- in that fucked-up kind of way. But we did match."

Yes. Yes they did. XD

Don't you worry about "Napoleon Complex". I did look forward to that fic, you know you've always got a supporter in me when it comes to your stories and especially Quogan, but I think my Quogan fangirl will survive. ;P You and Ariana made such a knock-out contribution when ya'll collaborated, and I'm more than satisfied with the story arc, though it is a shame that "Equal and Opposite Reactions" won't be continued. But I understand your point.

Erika, you know I'll support whatever you decide in your writing. You've given us readers more than what we deserved, I truly respect your writing and am always in awe. But, I need to move on from Z101 too, really I've kind of already been doing it. GASP! But yeah, it's been a bit more than a couple of months since I've actually watched the show. With the exception of a couple of fan videos, that's been it. Billy/Victoria from Y&R has been slaying me, lol. But how lucky to have one of my favorite authors writing for my new favorite couple. But you're also responsible for getting me to like them, ya know! When I saw one of your first Billtoria ideas on your profile back in February, I was like "WTF? Billy... Victoria... boxers?" So I started watching again to see what you were talking about, and then I was like, "Oohh... NOW I get it!"

So yeah, bring on Bicky, Bictoria, Billtoria, whatever us fans are calling them (but I refuse to call them Villy... reminds me too much of veal, lol). Yeah, who cares what people think of them? It's a soap opera for crying out loud, Victoria's not the only one to have ever committed adultery, but gosh she and J.T. were already in the process of a divorce... and the 'age issue' is so laughable. To each their own. It's a soap, I know what comes with the territory, so I'm trying to keep my expectations from getting too high, but nobody is going to purposfully rain on my Billtoria parade. ;)

Anyway, I'll be looking forward to the updates and one-shots. "And Baby Makes Four", of course I'd like to see that continued, but if you decide not to, that's okay. But should you continue it, here's your number one supporter!

Now... sleep... Rambling must cease. Goodnight (or morning, lol)!

Boris Yeltsin chapter 1 . 4/22/2010
I've tried reading the stories by Underneathallelsewhere, don't work for me, confusing.

Pretty good. Great to know you're back.

Have you seen Death At a Funeral, funniest movie so far to me anyway.