Reviews for Harry Potter and the Divided Four
LoneTraveler chapter 4 . 5/31/2019
Continuity problems makes things a bit confusing. Waiting for something important to happen.
Morganite109 chapter 8 . 10/4/2015
It's really good I hope you continue it
Guest chapter 8 . 3/14/2014
Crap! Change the ending!
mandamichelle chapter 8 . 10/21/2013
Noone important should die in this! just sayinng:)
Laura chapter 8 . 6/15/2011
This is a great story with amazing it going to continue?
DreamsofPurpleRoses chapter 8 . 4/30/2011
Good story, many twists and turns. Very interesting. The characters are for the most part in character, although Voldemort was a bit off. There are a few things I found fault with, though. You did tend to go into too much detail. You sometimes told us what every character was thinking, with extreme detail and it did get a bit boring at parts. And you changed character views a lot. I know that was nessarcy to give the opinion of all the houses, but it was a tad overdone. It left us hanging with some characters and getting really bored with others. Now don't get me wrong, I liked the story. I spent to days reading the whole thing. The plot was interesting and all. I would have liked to see more of Harry, however, as most of his parts were really short. Other than that, brilliant job and continue writing
A chapter 8 . 3/11/2011
Are you going to update or what?
aworldofmyimagination chapter 8 . 9/5/2010
I loved your story! I don't know if you'll update it again, but I hope so!
OnceAPotterHead chapter 8 . 3/11/2010
I really enjoy this type of story, but yours is also really original too. thanks for sharing
ao3lover101 chapter 8 . 3/7/2010
BRILL. Please update soon please.
The Auric Healer chapter 8 . 1/4/2010
Oh my gawd!

This is amazing! Though the story is a bit.. junkey, in the meaning that it's obliviously not written by an English teacher, it's also one of the most intruging stories I've read so far!

And considering that I read continuisly for about two years before I got a membership here, you can safely say I've read loads of stories.

I'm kinda sad that it's been so long since you've updated, but I do hope that you've planned to change that.

I like that you gave the banner to Ron, instead of Harry. Though, considering that he's spent most time being either tortured or anti-social, I suppose that's only what one can expect. Since he wouldn't be able to do anything, he'd be to occupied with pain and emotional problems.

Other than that, I think the story is a bit confusing, with the way you jump from one thing to an other. Don't misunderstand, jumping around is not really a bad thing, the confusing part is that I don't always get when things are happening. no, scratch that, I really don't have any grip of time in this story.

I mean, when was the burrow destroyed? How long has Harry been gone? There's probably more, i just don't remember them right now.

I like the turn with the muggles and the lady with the 'disease'.

Though I think it would've been better if you'd introduced them earlier. Like, began each chapter with a dream. That way we'd already met her and known her a little. Maybe having some of the occurrence from her perspective. Like Harry's kidnapping, his admittion, and maybe the meeting with the species. Maybe having said dreams in italic would be a good idea.

Though, having that dream with the Founders battle in the first chapter was a really good idea. And I thought is was very funny how it ended with Petunia screaming for him. A nice touch that.

That you let Percy get his wits back is nice to. I think it's sad that most people almost always uses him as scapegoat when they need someone to pull the shait over their heads.

A little to many names, in the scenes with the other houses. It get's confusing. Like, there was a Lauren in both Hufflepuff and in Ravenclaw, I was like, "Ah, then it was Lauren whom shouldn't have been there!" but then it was Terry, and I went, "whaa?".

A special twist letting Wormy kill the Potter elders. Though that would mean that Harrys protection is niil, since it was supposed to be there because of Lily's sacrifice and protect him against her killer. But since Wormy did it, Voldemort should've been able to manhandle Harry as much as he wished.

Am I right when I conclude that aside from what is written in the story, everything else went as in Canon? If so, then I wonder why Quirrl burned when he touched Harry's skin.

That is, if it's true that Wormy did kill Harry's parents. That might as well be a lie.

By the way, where was it that the Weasleys was in the last chapter here? I mean, the burrow's down isn't it?

I sort of like what you've done with the Houses. Though I highly doubt the Ravenclaws use all that many 'big' words, or are that stiff about it. Like, you could've let one of them quote buddah all the time, that would've given it a little spicier touch. (Why Buddah? 'cause many of his quotes are damn good. I just with I could remember them..) Or one of them constantly using complex wordings, and have an other explain them to one of the ounger students.

Also, despite being The Boy Who Wouldn't die, I doubt the whole school would be all loving and caring of him, so having those who did know him a little, tell the other what they knew of him would be an idea.

I'm rambling, aren't I?

As for the Puffs, I think you are steriotyping it a little to much, remember that while they may be loyal and hard-working, that isn't all what they are.

For instance, Zacarias is (in the books) more barn than bite, sarcastic, distrusting and a coward. I think he's a Puff.. Never really cared to much of him to care.

Also, being loyal doesn't mean that they are loyal to everyone they meet. For instance, Zacarias was loyal, to himself.

I don't know if I'm being annoying here, but nyah.

I like that you've chosen to let the Slyths not be a bunch of petty rich brats. But I think you should've let them be inviduals as well. Like letting some of them be.

Hey! Wouldn't it be interesting if you let one of the 'Claws be autistic? That would've been interesting. Though, that persons autistic ability would've been something about knowledge.

What if you let that person quote Buddah? That would've been cool. He could've used quotes as a means to comminicate. (Autistic people are said to be geniouses at the field their autistic ability is, but everything else they suck at. And since nothing really is known about Autistic people, you'd have a lot more room to splash ink-blots.)

Umm, back to the Houses, what if you'd let Harry be secretly friends with some of them? That way them standing behind him wouldn't be seen as mere hero-shipping.

And I doubt Harry would like to have a gang of Hero-shippers behind him. Since he knows from experience that Hero-Shippers just as easily can become Hero-haters.

Yeah, I realize, I complain much, and I give you advices you probably don't want. But at least I try, eh?

Something more?

Yeah, about Harry's dream in the first chapter, what if you let him have other dreams to, like the life of the Founders, how it was before they splitted, why Slytherin hates muggles and Muggle-borns so much, how did Slytherin and Griffindore become friends? Or perhaps you could've just mentioned it, "yeah, Professor. I've always had an odd dream about some people. When I was a kid I usually dreamt of them. Though then it was mostly about their childhood. I didn't realize that it was them until a few months ago. They went by other names before Hogwarts, Sir." Like that. I remember that when I read it I thought it was to long and with to many details. Details I didn't car much about. Though now at the last chapter, I'm glad it was so detailed.

Makes more sense.

Back to the issue with Voldemort, Potter elders murder, Harry and Wormtail. Why "did" Harry survivr? I mean, in Canon, he survives because of the protection Lily created by dieing for him. How could he survive when Voldemort wasn't the one who killed her? Shouldn't it have been Peter whom got his skin burned, especially when he took Harry's blood to the rebirth of Voldifart's.

When the Ministry went down, did they take Susan Bones aunt as well? I think she was the Law Enforcement head. Though I may be mistaken.

And Sirius. Poor lad.

Hey, what happened to Buckbeak when Sirius was caught? Did they recognize him as the hippogriff they sentenced to death?

I like that Romania spoke with Harry, though I think she'd have a name in her own language, as in Dragon-tongue. But that Harry's vocal cords would strangle him - literally - if he tried to say it in human tongue. (I mean there would be MANY dragons from Romania, so calling the dragons after the land the come from seems silly to me.

There. I've said it all. Good luck, and I hope you decide to update this one.

(With all the time that's passed since you last wrote on it, and how much your writing probably have changedre-writing it. )

Just to have that said, when I write reviews, I think them up as I type them. They are rarely short and ever rarer put in order.

If my words sound commanding or something, then pretend I am the little five-year old who thinks I know much better than everyone else.

Even though I do ~ Just kidding. (Or am I?)

Keep up the good work, and keep smiling. 'Cause that makes people wondering what you're up to.

somebody chapter 2 . 4/29/2009
umm. . .ok. i have a few questions about this story

1. why would harry use sirius' name in a letter instead of using snuffles

2. sirius is a little out of character, he's supposed to be intelligent. why would he respond to a letter that clearly wasn't from ron AND why would he confirm in that letter that he is indeed sirius?

3. as you said in your story, he was an auror, don't you think he'd be a little hsrder to capture than that? this is the only man who successfully broke out of azkban, give him some credit.
Daemith chapter 8 . 3/18/2008
Nice story! It's very good, I LOVE this last chapter, with the ministry falling and everything. The writing's great. Are you going to continue it? I really hope you do, I want to read more!
Heksie chapter 8 . 3/16/2008
I don't like it when fic's end like that - what dream?

Hope to get an update...
hypercell chapter 8 . 3/12/2008
SWait, first there are no first years, and know there are? Or is it just 2 dif. writers?
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