Reviews for Metamorphosis
Jossie of suburbia chapter 1 . 8/7/2018
Omg, so cute. well done this is one of the best Lightning-hope fics that exicts on
Reality check chapter 1 . 5/31/2016
Just so you know in Final Fantasy 13 Lightning think so hope like a brother nothing more nothing less and you need to think about one thing no matter how old was yes show always see him like a little brother that's it nothing more nothing less you remember the head coach she gave them that's what big sisters do to little brothers to let them know hey I'm here for you little bro that's what it is that's all she sees a mass even if hope to get all this you still see him as a little brother just got older and nothing will come of that relationship and even help himself knew that that's why I stopped asking before the fight what the fal'Cie she told him thought of he like a brother to her and he accepted it it happened right before the battle agains tfal'Cie
diellemabelle chapter 1 . 11/24/2012
Great story, I found it very believable character-wise. I especially liked the ending! Both Hope's sudden confession and Light's response to it :)
unkown chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Very Good :)
Child of the Flame Alchemist chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
Good Story but why LightningXCid
AssasinZAssasin chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
Great storytelling compadre!

Though i will sort of admit it sort of stabbed me when Cid kissed her. I know, i must be stupid to even feel that but i just do.

But if anything i want to say, good work!
zenbon zakura chapter 1 . 3/1/2011
poor kid

but awesome!
Ulta chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
Let me just take a moment to say, "D'awww."

I love this onesided view of HopexLightning. Hopefully it turns to more when he's older. ;]

Anywho, great story and keep it up!
August Avant chapter 1 . 10/21/2010
Hope, Lightning, and Cid are some of my faves from FF13, and this is such a lovely story about them! Nicely written and very well planned.
shmobeline chapter 1 . 10/18/2010
I really liked this. It is excellently written. Really awesome job, truly! Hope's trains of thought made perfect sense, and characterisation was spot on!
denebtenoh chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
Ooohhhh... Im IN LOVE with this! the story is beautiful, so heart-wrenching, soo, so, sooooo...

Ooohhhh... maaan! loved it! Loved Raines! loved your Lightning, Loved HOPE!

Oh please! pleaaasseee! what do you need me to do to inspire you for a second chapter! this is too good to let it end like this! Congratulations on your writting style!
DragonGirl323 chapter 1 . 8/5/2010
I am SO SORRY for not reviewing this piece after I was finished reading it the first time. I think my baby was screaming at me to be fed so that's probably the reason why I didn't review.

In any case, I'm reviewing now so I hope you can forgive my negligence!

Anyways, I love how you describe Hope's feelings. His agony, his jealousy...everything. Your wording is so planned out and flows so smoothly. Also, I love your choice of words throughout the story. You have such an impressive vocabulary.

This was a beautiful way to start off Vanilla Twilight. Genius, in fact. I hope you update that story soon. I can't wait to read more! :]


MonMonCandie chapter 1 . 8/4/2010
God I love your characterization. It seems so complete and really up to par with the characters in the game. :) I'm a fan of both LightxCid and LightxHope so it was kind of a treat for me in reading this. XD

Thanks so much for writing such a wonderful oneshot! I seriously wished, while reading this, that THIS was what happened during the time on the Lindblum.

Beauty storytelling. -heart-
taepoppuri chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
Cute story and very cute ending! I love this pairing :) good job!
The Genius Mage chapter 1 . 7/16/2010
Oh God. Wow. That was amazing! Loved it~. I'm a big HopexLightning fan also, but only when they're older. 7 years isn't that big a deal when you're like, I dunno, 21 and 28? Older you get, the less people care. (So long as it's not 10 years or something.)

But, the imagery was amazing and the dialogue very believable. I learned a new word! "Insouciantly". XD

Fantastic work!
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