Reviews for Shades of Grey
Spectre8 chapter 53 . 10/21/2018
I hope there is more! I love this story please don’t abandon it.
zunderfeld chapter 52 . 8/22/2017
I just have to let you know, I ADORE how you write Sigrun! She may only appear a little bit, but you have her down! :)

*rubs hands together* Alright, boss fight. Let's have it!
zunderfeld chapter 51 . 8/15/2017
Oh my gosh, I'm rolling in laughter at the end of this chapter! (or maybe I'm still spinning with how fast I zipped over here on receiving my update alert!) The banter between Delilah, Alyx and Nate is just perfect! And how Alyx dealt with Oghren? Oh man! I'll be honest, Oghren is not one of my favorite characters, but that part was so nicely done! And Sigrun! Ahhhh, I may need to go back and replay this game again soon!

Welcome back! So very glad to see Alyx and company in action again! I've missed them so much!
em-tinuviel chapter 50 . 3/29/2017
Adore this! Best Nathaniel fic I've found so far 3
Asilyessam chapter 48 . 4/14/2015
cousland n nate is such a cute couple! followimg just incase more pops up.
Asilyessam chapter 7 . 4/12/2015
*blushes* i would like to wrap my legs in a bracillian pretzel round a certain mage... hmmm he was such an amazin guy before justice. luvs this story btw! favin n followin
Zacharti chapter 48 . 2/15/2015
You updated! Well congrats to your promotion! I am kinda getting excited where this story will go now. Looking forward to the next chapter!
zunderfeld chapter 48 . 2/4/2015
You will never know just how delighted I was to find the update alert for this story in my inbox when I got home from work! You say your writing skills might be rusty, but I don't see it! Very nicely done! And welcome back! :)
Guest chapter 47 . 12/8/2014
Well I hope you continue on writing this fic even if it has been 2/3 years. It is simply amazing.
jaffa3 chapter 25 . 3/10/2013
Aw poor Falcon
Mageliberator94 chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
Ok, I just wanted to let you know that I'm already on chapter 22 and I began reading this yesterday. (And I have 2 kids so that's amazing.) All I can say is WOW. Just... WOW. You've made me cry on more than one occasion so far, and a gorgeous image comes into my head whenever I hear your "muse tune" "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning" by SP... one of my favorite songs. I'd like to sketch it out for you. Once I get it done, I'll send you a scan of it.
I'm horribly off topic.
I wanted to commend you for your awesome writing so far. Bravo, good madam. :)
Guest chapter 47 . 10/17/2012
This was so beautifully written! Great job! Seriously, I wish I could write steamy stuff like this. It's so difficult! But you did it so tastefully. :D
Pint-sized She-Bear chapter 47 . 10/16/2012
You have nothing to worry about :D this was wonderful!
ShyWriter413 chapter 47 . 10/16/2012
I thought you did a beautiful job on the love scene. It was sensual and powerful without crossing the line into gratuitous smut. It was emotional and sexy, and I fell a little in love with Nate all over again. Great job!
sapphireice10 chapter 46 . 9/19/2012
I have really enjoyed this story! I sincerely hope you continue to write!
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