Reviews for I Don't Care
Belladonna-Neferiti-Malfoy chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
Nice shana_chan i loved it. How have u been since i last saw u
kurama's mate chapter 1 . 8/16/2010
make one with kagome singing behind thes hazel eyes to kurama
Passing-Glance chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
Move your body by Eiffle 65

Has to be Kurama/Kagome

Between 500-1500 words

Sound Good?

By the way, no dance club. Something unique, but no dancing of any sort. As that would be obvious to the song and unoriginal. So a fight scene. Maybe how he sees her, "moving her body," something to that extent. But NO dancing!

Also, this was a good first start. I'd like to see more detail, but otherwise, this was just fine. Thanks for writing, and I hope you can do the Song fic Challenge I suggested.

Tootles chica!
Cosmic-lover chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Very nice Kagome and Yukina totally told their ex's off WOOT YOU GO GIRLS LMAO