Reviews for A Stirring in the Blood
AndurilofTolkien chapter 1 . 4/26/2017
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 3/11/2016
a lesson learned. for all of them
blindrain chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
:D :D

Nice story! (that was, it should have been spring! ;-))

Way to go!
ziggy3 chapter 1 . 4/26/2010
Aha! I read this on the Teitho website and liked it best- still like it the best! It has a lovely atmosphere of stillness in the woods and with Elrohir. I like the contrast between Elladan and Elrohir that comes across in a very succinct and subtle way, and hte difference in the relationship between each of them and Estel is nicely done. Yes- Elrohir's quietness, his stillness - and hawkishness in some ways, whether intended or not, affected me when I first read it. He doesnt get angry, and his point about scolding a child or a yearling was pointed. I liked the contrast between Estel trotting along and being so impatient and Elrohir's long, sedate strides. And hte description of the hawk is quite lovely-I love it that she is quite unrepentent!

One of my all time favourite Elrohir stories I think!

One note- the storm metaphor seemed a little redundant to be honest- he s very calm I felt and the storm never came, never really felt like it would . I know you value honest points so have added this. But it feels very picky!
veree chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
I'm of the same opinion as Elsendor about how your work meshes with how I perceive Tolkien's work. I've read a ton of fic over the years in various fandoms, and I've only found a select few writers whose work, in my view, could be considered canon. Your writing is so true to the source, but so original, that I keep it in mind sometimes as I reread LOTR or the Silmarillion. You flesh out characters in a way that I'm not creative enough to do in my head.

And, as always, everything you write is a joy to read. :)


Calenlass Greenleaf chapter 1 . 4/20/2010
Only three reviews for this? Shame, really.

This was a beautiful story that really captures Estel's character-or at least the character I try to aim for. I can't tell you how much I love this story.

Elsendor chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
[[useless bbcode inserted just to let you know where I would have used it.]]

"...your thrice-damned bird's on the loose. Again."

Somehow I totally [i]felt[/i] the dry semi-humor in that statement. :] Your dialogue never ceases to amaze me, in that is it so genuine. This Elrohir makes me cry... I feel even worse about Elrohir after Dwimmerlaik and in Invictus. You bring me so much closer to characters Tolkien left unsaid, building up such beautiful stories for them all. I swear, it's like you found some forgotten manuscript that accounted for the lives of other characters and have drawn on it, it blends so well. It's amazing-especially since you have such a different writing style from Tolkien, how your stories just seem to mesh with the real thing. They just sound so [i]right[/i].

It's beautiful, and enslaving. Your fanfictions have become essentially Lord of the Rings truth in the richness of my imagination of Ea. (bleh, insert accent marks) I have a hard time thinking of the characters any other way, and I scarcely ever want to! I am never the same after reading your fanfictions-they give me a thought, an idea, a different perspective on a character, and thus shape my personal Middle Earth. You have no idea how much it means to me. :]

May your wellspring of words ever run abundantly,

myrina-lux chapter 1 . 4/16/2010
Beautifully written. I enjoyed your portrayal of Elrohir especially. That you were able to convey such emotion (and I loved the brief but powerful remembrance of Celebrian) and such on-spot characterizations for the twins and Estel in a one-shot shows how talented you are. Loved it!

StarLight9 chapter 1 . 4/16/2010
It is no wonder that Estel sympathizes with Breitho - he is so much like the hawk, wild and untamed, born to roam the world, to explore it, to discover its secrets; but instead trapped inside a cage. Or so he thinks :-) But his freedom came at the end (although I wonder if he will really wish it after a couple of decades), and the light returned to his searching soul. A great answer to the challenge! Well done!