Reviews for After
Lich Irelia chapter 1 . 4/19/2018
I really liked this. A gem hidden in the very distant past of the fandom!
swatkat chapter 1 . 6/9/2012
This is so fantastic. I love how you write Azula, love it.
CrimsonElevenDelightPetrichor chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
I loved the opening, I love the closure, and, you know what? I loved everything in between.

I loved the fairytale opening, because I've always loved how Azula's a princess, but not a cushy,dress wearing, damsel in distress kind of princess.

I loved the ending, because I always imagine Azula locked up for a few years with all of her insanity, and then... well, dead, for some random reason, or for no reason at all. I can't imagine her ever being good, because, well, she just wouldn't be Azula.

And, I absolutely LOVE the Iroh bits, because I love Iroh so much! He was so IC, with his awesome Iroh tea (oh, yeah, I made a rhyme!).

Oh, really, this is quite wonderful, and I'm definitely going to favorite it :)
Passionworks chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Hmm, I think this is rsther lovely. No character represented was OOC; nothing seemed really out of place for the time. Everything, well, for lack of a better word, worked.

Now, time for the critique portion of my review: You made quite a few simplistic slip-ups in both grammar and spelling. As said, these are "simplistic" errors, and they had no effect on how the piece is both read and interpreted.

Wonderful and magestic read! Beautiful. :)
Lucrezia6565 chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
Beautiful and tragic at once.

This must be THE best post-war, most believable and engaging Azula fic I've ever read.

I would love to elaborate on that, but plz forgive me: I only have a limited time to get on my computer, and that is if I'm lucky, and it's usually either very late at night or very (very) early in the morning :P ... (my brain refuses to function properly after a certain hour, but I try)

Anyways, yeah, awesome work - and a fave for sure :)
Sun Daughter chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
This is the perfect length for a one-shot. Awesome. Your spelling and gramamr was nice, and this is well-written. It's not exactly creative (I've seen this done way too many times before), but you did a pretty good job with it.

Your summary seems a little empty. That's one of my only CCs for you, a better summary. This is a nicely written fic and deserves a more capitivating summary.

Keep writing and have a nice day.

card castles chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
We don't see very much Iroh/Azula interaction, but I like it. A lot.

Your characterization of everyone in this story was perfect. Bravo :D
Justthisguyyouknow chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
Very nice and in character for the people involved, though I would have liked Sokka to have come back at some point. He and Mai are the only intellectual equals of her age Azula has.

Iroh is the saint he is.

I loved the openning princess in the tower set up.
OmniSchreiber chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
Well written one-shot. It serves as both an entertaining post-war ficlet and a pretty in-depth character study for Azula. I especially liked the bait-n-switch at the beginning (lol, fairy-tales) and Iroh's visits (one being very direct, the other simply frivolous)

I was a bit confused though, was Ursa actually there, and Azula just didn't believe it? The reason I ask is you make a point of having Azula's skin tingle where Ursa (or ghost-Ursa) touched her cheek, but also make a similar suggestion when Iroh kisses her forehead. Unless, of course, they're both dead. Or maybe she's hallucinating *all* her visitors.

I liked how you left it open at the end as well, or that Azula would create her own "Door #3" as it were.