Reviews for Pow!
Tequila Princess chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
Oh! I know how your Selphie feels. I never took my vitamins too, always hid them under my tongue and spit them out when no one was looking. Hah, now I'm a tiny little wisp of a girl. Karma much? Boo.

Anyway, I've always hated how some people think of Selphie as cute and bubbly but dumb. I've gotten the impression she was very smart underneath all that sunshiney yellowness. And you seem to think so too! Hurrah.:D

But I've never thought of Selphie's potential dark side the way you showed it here. Totally understood Edea for getting scared. Imagine if Ulti possessed Selphie intead; she'd have Deling City covered in pink and green and orange polka dotted paint and have the Galbadian soldiers dress up in clown outfits or something. FREAKY!
Skykhanhunter chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
Excellent story, well written intriguing, funny and dark. But I was confused on the time period. Or maybe Selphie just never grew up in the first place.
The-Lady-Isis chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
I've never seen Selphie be credibly sad before, but you managed perfectly. It wouldn't have occurred to me to make it mad and sad, which you've captured perfectly.