Reviews for Falling Stars
Sokka's Fan-Lawyer chapter 1 . 8/17/2012
*sniff*...I-I think I have something in my eye... God, this series...I wish they had an extra scene just about what Faye and Jet would do then, but you captured it really well. Good work!
TheWorldBelongsToME chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
Pensive. That's the best word to describe it. But finally a story that is actually man enough to write a version where Spike's actually dead! That was an inevitability due to the whole theme of the show, what with nearly everyone they meet dying.

I enjoyed it. And I'd like to invite you to read my Bebop story "Walk in the Rain"- only one chapter's up, though, and it's not yet action filled. Keep up the good work!