Reviews for Hearts Astray
Erica2401 chapter 34 . 6/26
What a wonderful story at times heartbreaking. They found love in each other and came home. Thanks for writing
Dr. Amelia Donna chapter 34 . 11/14/2016
Absolutely devoured this! I'm always a sucker for a good J/C story, especially when it includes mini J/Cs. Q seemed a bit out of character though, almost too cheerful with the "Hidey ho-esque" phrases. Usually, I don't go all Grammar Police, your stories don't have a lot of grammatical errors. But, there was one phrase you used that drove me crazy, and that was "an alone," which should've been, "a lone." Anyway, I was thoroughly entertained, and am now off to read another of your stories.
Doc Yewll chapter 34 . 1/14/2015
Foi uma luta separar o quartos dos meus filhos
o mais velho queria o próprio quarto, mas ficava colocando medo no mais novo, que ficou com medo de dormir sozinho.

oh! inferno!

Doc Yewll chapter 31 . 1/14/2015
Foi uma briga aqui em casa para escolher o nome de um meu (caçula), se fosse quatro ia sair morte!

Doc Yewll chapter 30 . 1/14/2015
Q como decorador?

Doc Yewll chapter 24 . 1/14/2015
Que coisa mais romântica!
Doc Yewll chapter 6 . 1/13/2015
estou tomada pela sua tristeza.
JadedOne47 chapter 34 . 11/18/2014
Really enjoyed this.
Beawild chapter 34 . 9/4/2014
This story was quite the rollercoaster ride. At first I was worried, Chakotay married Seven and Kathryn was in an abusive marriage. Thank goodness for the different timelines and The Wisher! I'm so glad that they came together and had a wonderful life, but quadruplets? LOL! Good story and well written.
pshortie265 chapter 34 . 6/20/2014
whew! What a whirlwind you put us all through with this. A lot of alternate reality/time travel- but I'm a sucker for that kind of thing. And a happy ending to boot.

Some notes:
-The Doctor was treated well and you used him sucessfully. He added to the story as a supporting character without overshadowing J or C. I do wish some of the other characters would have been in there a little more but that's just from a fan perspective... from a writer's perspective you crammed a lot in and there is no way you could have done justice to the entire senior staff.
-I loved the scenes on the cruise ship- just because I love cruising. Not because of what happened there. That was sad.
-Some storylines/scenes were really cheesy or predictable- but that's okay. Most of us, including me, are here to be entertained, not to think. And frankly the show was cheesy quite a bit too so you're staying true to that :)

Thanks for all the time and effort you put into a seemless epic story!
Guest chapter 34 . 5/27/2014
Loved it
Iowanmom chapter 34 . 3/22/2014
Interesting story. Thanks for the JC!
Lynn chapter 34 . 9/10/2013
Great story!
Woodenbear chapter 34 . 6/14/2011
Thank you for writing such a fantastic story. Sorry for the late review but RL got in the way and I've just recently managed to get back to reading. This was the first one I looked up to finish.

I loved every minute of it. Well done for keeping it going so long. Look forward to reading more from you. :~) x
Tomutionmyha chapter 34 . 4/20/2011
Wow what a ride! Thanks for a great story!
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