Reviews for Act Your Age
Jolteongrl chapter 1 . 4/20/2018
Is this discontinued? While if it is, that's fine, but if it isn't, please update. It's very interesting!
Guest chapter 5 . 5/1/2017
what your describing is a 12 month old to 1 year old baby not 2
cheeseandhamburger chapter 17 . 4/28/2016
Ed is always a naughty boy who needs some firm hand, isn't he? I already said that, but your fics are awesome!
Guest chapter 17 . 3/30/2016
What happens next
Why did you stop writing
More chapter's please :-)
Guest chapter 17 . 11/16/2015
Hope you continue with the story
Daisy Flores chapter 17 . 11/8/2015
Plz update
otkcp chapter 5 . 10/13/2015
Again I'll point out that 2 year olds generally eat a normal meal just a smaller portion. Your ideas of feeding so far reflect that of a 6 or 7 month old infant as apposed to a 2 year old.

This plotline has real potential
otkcp chapter 2 . 10/13/2015
So far he's been treated like a 1 year old (generally one doesn't feed a 2 year old a bottle and then burp them; 2 year olds can do both themself).
Maruativiair chapter 16 . 8/29/2015
Can you make the next chapter about crying and dining please and another chapter about Envy going back to Father and Ed acting up again and Roy reduce his age into a baby please. :)
KashiEuroDrake chapter 16 . 10/12/2014
You can't stop here. Have them learn a dance. Or try to bust out of preschiol. Or have a paint war.
Android9 chapter 10 . 1/23/2014
Android9 chapter 9 . 1/23/2014
Android9 chapter 8 . 1/23/2014
That wasn't a spanking... That was a warning.
And please, do bring Al back.
ashly chapter 16 . 8/7/2013
Great story. You should have them have an accident at school.
Rainy day chapter 1 . 7/21/2013
This is a Very Crazy Story , But Good
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