Reviews for One Great Circle
Guest chapter 121 . 3/21
I know that you haven't uploaded in a while and it's so far in the future but time and time again I come back to this story, it's one of my favourites.
Xager-the-Chaos-King chapter 121 . 10/19/2015
Hello Ari. It's been a very, very long time. I still come back and read your work, from time to time. FtM never fails to make me weep. OGC still has moments that make me smile and cry at the same time. Your stories still touch me, even all these years later. I hope you're well. Even if the rest of your fans have left... I'm still here. And I think I always will be.

Anonymous1024, your ever-faithful fan.
NightFlowerLuv chapter 121 . 2/11/2015
Ah, here it is. The one great Kingdom Hearts story from my youth. I... Hm. I don't think I can go and read all of this, not just yet. I just finished a new (for me at least) great Kingdom Hearts story, so my heart is already shattered in a million piece on the floor, heh.

It's been a few years, now, hasn't it? Thank you for leaving this up. When I feel up to it, I'll go back through this story that you poured so much of your life and your feelings into. I want to truly thank you for giving it to the world.

I hope where ever you are, you're happier than you were writing this. Good luck! C:
CWAnon chapter 121 . 8/11/2012
Don't have an account yet. Don't really know why I didn't review before, and for that I apologize. I also apologize on account of you having to go through this, even though it's not my fault. If it's hurting you you shouldn't write it. I think this was a lovely story, and although I would have liked to read the ending of it, I have been very happy to have read this story that you have put so much thought and originality and, unfortunately, pain, into. I can always end it in my head. You have inspired me. You have been through so much and it's not fair. You breathed life into the characters more than anything else, except perhaps the actual games. You have breathed life into this site. I've read many of your fanfictions, and I love many of them as well. I hope you get through all right. I've talked too much, and I'm sure I've made you uncomfortable. If I get an account I might come back and tell you. Until then, this is CWAnon signing off.
TearsToScarlet chapter 121 . 7/10/2012
I completely agree with you about this. I can't complain because there is nothing to complain about! The plot makes sense, I can visualize the events...your grammar and punctuation are beautiful! (oh chips, I sound like my seventh grade teacher...O.O")

I spent almost ten minutes reading the author's note. I'm not going to badger you for another chapter, because writing is supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be a way to express your creativity and enjoy it. If writing this tortured you so, then I'm going to make sure that all of the people who I'm friends with that have read this actually read and pay attention to the author's note. I really love reading your stories and hope that you may be able to eventually write a fanfiction that you truly enjoy writing. You haven't failed, you've made a story that really touches me. I could feel the sadness as I read the author's note. Would a virtual cookie made with twelve different types of chocolate help? ...You're a good person. I don't know how anyone could hate you, unless they were a selfish piece of Styrofoam. You are a beyond exceptional writer, and a professional in my book! Never forget that.
Shadow's Life Spand chapter 107 . 5/31/2012
I think this is the greatest chapter it would have been prettier if You would have added Axel and his dream kiss O Boy but i really like this one :D
MrMissMrs Random chapter 121 . 1/28/2012
...*hugs the screen since she's unable to hug the magnificent author* I'm sorry for not finding this update sooner. I don't know how your life is going at the moment, but I hope it's gotten better, and is still getting better. If writing this hurt you instead of helped you, then don't write it anymore.

Between you and everyone else who's read this series: It's one of the best I've read. :)

So goodbye for now, and good luck.
mysterySanity chapter 121 . 1/22/2012
Please continue writing this. It's made me so happy and so sad at the same time, and I await updates with utmost need. Sorry if that sounds creepy or whiny. :sweatdrop: But really, this is so amazingly written and makes me very very happy on days I feel like crap.
TheSnowAngel chapter 121 . 1/19/2012
Hi. Wow. Oh my God, I barely look up KH stuff recently, that's why I didn't catch this sooner, God damn.

... I'm so sorry. About everything. No one deserves to have these things happen to them, and no one deserves to be forced to live through it again, especially just for... well.. I suppose strangers entertainment. This shouldn't have happened to you, and I can't say how sad I am that you were pushed this far and hit this hard.

I want to help you somehow. Even if it's just a shoulder to cry on, a person to talk to, I want to be your friend, and be there for you. I'll be honest, I've missed you. The story, yes, but mostly you. You were the reason I came on the site everyday because I was hoping to talk with you, you seem like a nice girl.

... Well, that last sentence came out creepier then I thought it would. *headdesk*

The point is, I want to be your friend. Call my name and I'll be there, ok? See you 'round the site.


Vixel Hart. Look me up on facebook, message me just so I'll recognize you, ok? (A lot of cosplay wierdos keep trying to friend me that I never met, so sometimes I get a little lost.)

Good luck, Good fortune, and Good night my friend.
LaughingInTheDark chapter 121 . 1/7/2012

Ari, I want you to know it's okay. It's gonna BE okay. You're gonna be okay. I'm... sorry we -your fans- put you through such pain for this story. I'm sorry your life's turned to shit. But I think I speak/type for most of us, your fans, when I say/type that we love you and, even though we love your Organization, we can't make you torture yourself for our own satisfaction.

I also think that, to many of us, you and your Organization XIII have become real, become... family. Not just an unknown entity writing about fictional characters. We love you, Ari. I love you.

You're an amzing author. You're an amazing, fantastic, beautiful, wonderful and many-other-fabulous-adjectives HUMAN BEING and as such, you don't deserve such great pain and you can't survive with it. Stop, if you must, but don't kill yourself over a frickin' story, no matter how much it's loved. You're more important.

Remember, Ari: wherever you are, however you feel, you are loved. You may not know us all out across the world, but we love you and we care. Don't hurt yourself for us. You come first.

Love you, Ari. Good luck, happy trails, and may the road rise up meet you and the wind be always at your back. Take care of yourself; don't deprive the world of another beautiful soul.

*wraps you in a patchwork quilt of fan love from around the world*
Please Deactivate This Account chapter 121 . 1/4/2012
Oh sweetie I am so sad to just read any of your note's sentences. It is a sad world when bad things happen to such wonderful and brillant people. If you don't want to finish the story, that is more than up to you. I knew when reading the character of Larxene she was more or less based upon something within you. However, the fact stays that you managed to make such an amazing and individual series, as with the Moon series as well and gave the characters such life and personality. I still laugh when I see Xaldin and think of how verbose he is. If you feel like it, or ever you get time, I would really enjoy the notes on the Xemsai arc and I hope sometime you feel better and look back on this time as a horrible occurence that fueled a beautiful series that so many people love and read over and over. You have made me a Vexen fan XD.
Anonymous1024 chapter 121 . 12/31/2011
Ari. You are a great writer, and i think that you are very brave to put your emotions on display as you have done. Be brave, and hell, if life is a bitch, then you do what you feel is right. From what i have seen from your writings, especially what you have said just recently, you have had a shit life, and you dont think its worth it. Well, fuck your past, you cant change it, you can only go forwards. If it helps, use your stories as a way of getting your depression out, and then. Remember this: the future is only what we make of it. Carry on, and make your life a better one. And this isnt pity, this is a pep talk. I hope you read this.

Anonymous1024, your faithful fan.
The Moon's Berserk chapter 121 . 12/31/2011
I'm sorry about all of this :(

You shouldn't write anything that makes you feel bad. It's totally understandable why you wouldn't want to finish. It was a great heartfelt story and It's really brave of you to have written this far. I thank you for this.

I hope you can overcome all of this one day. I really hate to see people down and know that these things happen to people. I'm hoping for better days for you and that's from the heart.
Rai Science chapter 121 . 12/31/2011
Ari...This was hard for you. This story, One Great Circle, has been a long, beautiful ride. Its been fun, and sad, and amazing, and you know I'll always be here behind you. *hug* Writing should be something you love - not something that hurts you. I'll be right here to support you, helping you with writing that doesn't hurt.
Gryphon icefire 98 chapter 121 . 12/31/2011
*hug* I... Really have nothing to say to that. I want to say that it's okay and it will be alright and... You... You are the bravest person I know. You relived horrible things writing this for us, and you persevered for a long time. I will be sad that this has ended without a real conclusion, but I don't blame you in the slightest for ending this. It's probably the best choice- continuing to put yourself through hell is... Gaia, I'm sorry, I really hope you can heal from this. So keep your head up.

I will miss you. Hopefully happy new years.

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