Reviews for Simple Feelings
hellokitty70705 chapter 4 . 12/6/2015
I love this prequel and can't wait to read the sequel. Hotaru/Peruru have now become one of my favorite pairings. Although, it would be nice to read a Helios/Hotaru pairing as well since there are so few of those. Anyway, I love your writing style! No fluff or anything, it's amazing. In your sequel, I see there is only one chapter. I hope you consider updating it in the future because I can't get enough of this pairing!
xForgottenxFlamex chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
I just reread this and couldn't help but fall in love with this story all over again, haha! It's just so... Perfect. Bittersweet and tender. Everything that Hotaru is. I love that they aren't in love, but learning to love. It's so much realer for the her than to just fall instantly in love. And I also appreciate the reality to the story with politics and family affairs than not writing just about her and Peruru's relationship.
All around, this is a beautiful story!

xForgottenxFlamex chapter 4 . 7/13/2011
The was quite a good story. It was very well written, and I quite enjoyed reading it. I like that Hotaru is learning to love someone. Keep up the great writing!
Sailor Stella chapter 4 . 6/29/2011
This is a really cute story. Everyone desevered to be loved and to love.
Ame Yumeko chapter 1 . 5/26/2010
Squee! I love this so far! This is one of my favorite pairings (however nonsensical), and I thought I'd never find a well-written story about them!

Something about it being set in the winter really adds to the flavor, if you will. Your portrayal of Hotaru is just right. I really like how you portray her inner conflict, her desire for "simpleness." The moment when she first saw Peruru and thought she saw his wings was a nice touch-was that supposed to be kind of a throwback to when Chibiusa first saw him? The part where she saw the ice sculpture of herself was so sad. Quite an appropriate image for that moment.

Thank you for writing this. _
Airdnaxela13 chapter 1 . 5/14/2010
This story was absolutely adorable and very well written. I love how you've managed to capture a good sense of all the characters as well as the duties they have to their planets and people not just the king/queen. I hope you write more, I would love to see more Hotaru and Peruru together. Perhaps a sequel if you ever are bored?
Chicwa88 chapter 4 . 4/29/2010
No! Its over! I thought this story was great. Not to many saturn fics out there. Your a very talented writer. Id love to read some more of your stories. Please write soon!
commontater chapter 4 . 4/29/2010
O, I never considered this pairing before! I always thought that Hotaru deserved someone too.(and the manga was pretty clear that Hotaru and Chibi-Usa were only ever good friends.)You did a great job in getting the personalities right. One thing that confused me was that you kept referring to Haruka as a 'he', and then calling her "Queen Uranus". o_O
Good story, I enjoyed reading this.
Chicwa88 chapter 3 . 4/23/2010
Good update.
Chicwa88 chapter 2 . 4/16/2010
Good story. There isn't a whole lot of stories about Saturn. Although it does sadden me to think that this won't be a long story. Your a very good writer. I do hope you continue to write. I would surely enjoy reading more. Can you say more Sailor Moon fanfics please? Lol. Please update soon!
Witch Shade chapter 1 . 4/9/2010
Sad at the end. Poor Hotaru! Hm interesting little ficlet you have going on here! I wonder what'll happen when with the three of them? Of course the flowers were meant for Princess Serenity. I'm interested in finding out whom Peruru will choose in the end?

Yes Hotaru needs someone, and as my favorite Senshi I demand it! :P

Lovely start the point, keeping going, I look forward to the second chapter.