Reviews for Sunday Best
Late4F8 chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
Wow. Likeable original characters. The romantic buildup was just awesome. It's so nice to have the 'romancing' (okay so it was offers of breakfast and lunch, etc, but it was good), and an auction! Heh, great!
seaweed chapter 1 . 8/11/2010
Brilliant! It has been a while since I read a good fic and I am really happy I stumbled across this one. The characters are quite spot on, the time you give each scene does not drag and the extra characters are very likable! The change from one perspective to the other is a bit confusing at the beginning, but it gets a lot clearer later on. You also gave a bit of backstory to the characters, which give the fic more consistency when explaining situations.

Great read and thank you for sharing!
TheCoffeeFox chapter 1 . 4/8/2010
I really really want to leave a comment describing the absolute wonderfulness of this fic but my inner fan girl is too busy screaming and drowning everything else out. So all I have to say is: SQUEL OMG! I LOVED IT! THAT WAS THE BEST!
Selvanic chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
This. Was. So. Awesome. Excuse me for a moment while I go get something to drink and wipe up all the drool that's left my mouth this dry.

I could not have imagined a better way to spend my evening. This was just too much fun to read. And it was so wonderfully sexy in the end. I love it. I honestly adore it. I can quite happily - and probably will quite happily - go back and read this over and over. Given, it meant that I didn't get my research done for my literature paper, but what's university for if not losing sleep over homework? Besides, I'd much rather read this than articles about literary history. Haha.

Again, thank you very much for this. I adore it. You really do this pairing justice, even in crack fics. 33
lawless523 chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
Aww, so sweet and hot! (And, from what I know about Yaoi Con, fairly accurate too, except maybe more organized than the real thing is.) I remember your mentioning that you were going to write it; I don't remember seeing it in LJ, though.

Two thumbs up!
akirareader chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
favorite lines

I watched as Hakkai's face went from confident and sexy to closed off, pensive, and confused. Not fair man, I'm pretty damn sure that's my role considering I was the one up for sale just a bit ago. Why then did it feel like the most natural thing in the world to loop my arms around his shoulders and pull him up close against me? To pet his hair and smooth his knit shirt down his trembling back and whisper that I was glad it was him. That there wasn't anyone else I'd want to spend the evening with?

I'm such a fucking girl sometimes.

trying to press us as close as possible without occupying the same space at the same time. Personally, I would have been okay with that. Physics be damned, this was an anime convention after all, they never seem to care about gravity or aerodynamics or the time space continuum anyways.

these will definatly go in my quotes sometime soon