Reviews for A Brief History of Scorpius Malfoy
Finntaine4eva chapter 6 . 4/30
This is an incredible story- it’s amazingly written, and it just captures this version of Scorpius so so well. This is easily one of the absolute best stories I’ve read, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it, even though it pulls on my heartstrings so much. I don’t really like angst, but written the way you’ve written’s just outstanding. The depth of emotion you portray really makes me feel like I’m there and experiencing this journey with him, and seeing how he matures really makes me feel like I’ve got a better understanding of the world, actually. I really hope you’ll update soon, and that you’ll make it a happy ending for everyone. Love, Jaya
Bamafan101 chapter 6 . 3/1
First please update this!
Second...I'm liking Molly a whole lot more than Rose. I yhink Scorpius needs to stay with her.
Aline chapter 6 . 2/23
You mad mad person why aren’t you updating? It’s been 10 fucking your story..
Me chapter 6 . 2/17
crushHP chapter 5 . 1/9
Hi, I am brazilian! My english is not very good so if you read that translate: Ei, você não lerá isso, autora, porque são quase cinco anos sem atualização, mas se houver uma possiblidade disso acontecer, quero deixar registrado o quanto eu gostei dessa história e o quanto espero uma atualização! Eu amo Scorpius e Rose tanto mas você me fez apreciar esse "romance" com Molly tanto quanto. É inacreditável! Eu gostaria que eles não tivessem um rompimento desagradável... enfim, o fim desse relacionamento entre Rose e o bastardo que eu detestei desde o começo foi esperado mas demorado, Rose é tão melhor do que isso, ela merece melhor. De qualquer forma, espero que eles terminem juntos sem muito drama porque em 50k de palavras você fez meu coração bater forte muitas vezes! Obrigada por escrever algo tão bom de ler!
crushHP chapter 6 . 1/9
Almost 5 years but I have hope You Update!
S-K-DD-09 chapter 1 . 7/28/2019
Please finish this
Guest chapter 6 . 7/10/2019
Pleasseee finish please as my dying wish pleaseeeee (not dying but I will if u don't update) [apologies that sounded super bitchy I just I really need to finish this]
Jily Shipper Forever chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
i love it! please update, i wanna know what happens next
Lauren chapter 6 . 12/23/2018
I know it’s been a long time, but I would love to read the end of this story! You’re a great writer, and I hope one day you finish this :)
dancingonstars chapter 6 . 10/8/2018
As this story was last updated four years ago you probably won’t see this but I really loved it. And I’m mad that I stayed up all hours of the night to finish and it’s still a wip. Stupid mobile site doesn’t let you know if it’s completed or not. I really liked your Scorpius and enjoyed the format with snippets of the years.
3rdTimeIsACharm chapter 6 . 8/9/2018
This was beautiful and excellent and it made me feel feelings and I wish your last update was not 4 years ago so I could have some hope of reading another chapter. But alas, my only solace is to speculate what happens next.

I spent some amount of time wondering why Albus and Caitlyn didn't get together but I suppose she deserves some more distance from Toby for her next s.o.

And I don't think that it's fair to Molly for Scorpius to continue leading her on in this way. Which is to say that I think Molly and Scorpius will need to break up eventually. Of course it will hurt her, but imagine if they stayed together how much more hurt she'll be when she finds out that she's been living in the shadow of her cousin Rose this whole time.

But at the same time I don't think that Scorpius and Rose should jump into bed together immediately. I would envision them taking years to become close friends again, hopefully their friendship has a different character than it used to - after all, they have been through a lot since the last time they snogged.

Maybe they can heal old wounds in this time. Maybe they can come to a new understanding. Maybe they can see other people without constantly comparing them to the other. Maybe they learn that the wizarding world is so much bigger than just Hogwarts, and the Weasley family is just a drop in that giant pool, and they find their happiness elsewhere. Or maybe meeting so many new people and personalities and ways of life does end up pushing them back together.
Scars of the Moon chapter 6 . 7/20/2018
I really hope you finish this someday. It's so great.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/6/2018
Please finish this fic. It's so great.
seelieprincess chapter 6 . 5/11/2018
Are you going to finish this?
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