Reviews for The Rogue 2: The Way of the Rogue - DISCONTINUED
Worth1 chapter 4 . 3/10/2018
we're very sad you are discontinuing these fanfics bc I'm sure many many people LOVED them like me, but everyone has to move on I suppose. I do wish that one day you'll be back to continue some of these if you still have the inspiration, and I look forward to your new amazing stories in other fandoms. thanks for being such a great writer providing such great stories for us.
slightlyxjaded chapter 3 . 5/22/2012
I'm intrigued further! How kid of Logan that he is trying to fight this battle with her...or at least stand by her as Rogue does. On to part 3!
JekKey X chapter 3 . 10/20/2011
Nuh uh! There isn't anything wrong with The Rogue! I just couldn't be bothered 2 review (figuring that it's12:36 AM and I'm on an iPad kinda hep the situation. . So, update when u can (since u do have a lot of stories) and keep living! Hehehehe, happy (advanced) Halloween!
Username chapter 3 . 7/8/2011
I don't quite get it, does Rogue just still have instincts from when she had her mutation that make her afraid to touch, or are there actually remnants of her mutation still in her?
ALLREMS chapter 3 . 7/27/2010
oh hey the psyches that are trying to take over her mind- i got them right back in the other chapter (yay!)- magneto, logan, john -

great updates. yes, i could imagine Ororo literally creating a 'storm' because Logan took Rogue to a bar a bar full of mutants.

I've never read the Antartica comics, I feel like I have since I read summaries and opinions from so many but yeah you're doing a great job at portraying how she is getting lost in her mind and how it's starting to leak into the surface onto where other's can see it.
ALLREMS chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
Love the title of the chapter, it so goes with what they've been upto. I also love the father-daughter relationship they've build. And in the very first chapter when she woke and called out 'daddy' I almost wanted to cry simultaneously gulping it down along with Logan. GREAT.
ChamberlinofMusic chapter 3 . 6/17/2010
Oh know! I feel awful about the reviews! How can anyone not love this piece! It speaks so fluidly of Logan and Rogue, of what is and what will be for them in the present and future. I found Rogue's struggle endearing as she tries to keep her psyches at bay and continues to work on her character growth. She's trying to prove herself and Logan's judge of character to a group of mutants that are probably deadly if you were on the wrong side. I admire her strength and determination to pull through for herself and Logan. Logan certainly is a wonderful role model, lol though not many people, including Ororo would say that aloud. :) This was highly enjoyable and has me dying to know what just will come next!
ChamberlinofMusic chapter 2 . 6/17/2010
This was absolutely thrilling! To have the two together and looking out for one another, as a family, a unit, and watching each other's back has me jumping with joy. I adore their relationship and the way Logan just "knows" Rogue, his Marie. I cannot tell you how much their friendship means to me. It just fills me and gives me this hope for them that they can be loved and are loved even if they make it difficult for others. Logan teaching and showing Rogue the ropes of what he's learned is like Yoda teaching Anakin, lol, except maybe not as peaceful as the green guy but just as lovable. :)I missed this fic terribly and am psyched to head to the next! :)
LaChiffre chapter 3 . 6/15/2010
Omigosh I just found this awesome! please please please keep writing it!
coup fatal chapter 3 . 6/11/2010
sorry for all the late reviews! my new job is transferring me out of state so i am preparing for that! I love the store and love your rogue can't wait to read more!
Comic-cake chapter 3 . 5/23/2010
Your chapters are short yet bursting with information. It’s as if every word counts, every sentence only present because it’s absolutely necessary. And I mean that as a compliment. This story is sharp, descriptive, full of emotion and I love it!
XSuicuneX chapter 3 . 5/20/2010
I do wonder what on earth her calling card is. How about, whatever she wants it to be? Or, more accurately, whatever psyche chooses it to be.

"My power is your power!" From evo. Fits her, don't it? Maybe her calling card is whatever 'yours' is. *grins*
starlight2twilight chapter 3 . 5/19/2010
Darling, me SO SORRY! But it's so delicious and wonderful. I do love it, honestly, I promise. I'm not even reading other works unless it is this story or one of your stories which you strictly write for my happiness. Honestly. I love this.

And it's oh so short. So crack on that and gimme moar moar moar!

And I cannot wait for the next. And I like how she recites the text book definition, but still manages to give herself a sheet of credibility and reliability! Loves it! :) :) :) :)

And I want MOAR!
CurrentlyIncognito chapter 3 . 5/19/2010
Oh, Imma use this space to say, 'Without a Trace' has lost me. . Too many characters I don't know. Sorry. This on still intrigues me though. I'm wondering and wondering how Rogue will turn out. I mean, not to say it's kind of going nowhere right now, but I'm curious on where it is going, because it's certainly going somewhere. O.O Did I make sense? D'awh. Anyway, 'm enjoying your stories. Keep writing~
Saturday Night chapter 3 . 5/18/2010
There's no problem with The Rogue story arch. I actually prefer it over Moments (though don't get me wrong, I like Moments too). In all honesty, I just haven't had much time to review on stuff. Its difficult enough to find the time to read!

I can't wait for more of this :)

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