Reviews for Fools
Willpup chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
Heheheh. In a way he is performing an April Fools (apostrophe issue fixed) on the whole of Gotham by leaving them in wait, leaving them begging for the destruction to reveal itself so a collective breath of relief can be released. But, the tension all for naught. Really fantastic story.
Lara chapter 1 . 4/23/2014
Resident Evil Lionhart chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
Heh, the best April Fools' Day prank ever! XD
Xdon't-mind-meX chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
I KNEW it! I totally knew Joker was just gonna sit at home all day! It's the ultimate prank for him! But seriously though, you've GOT to do a fic where Joker kidnaps Bruce and announces their engagement! PLEASE! And Bruce can be all glarey, and mad and Joker won't know how the hell he slipped out of the ropes but DAMN it would be priceless!

Abandon-Morality chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
I'm going to have to do that Visine thing now.

But I wonder if I can time it perfectly, so that by the time I have the seats wrapped, the victims will be comming in, so that I can hear them shit themselves before I go.

It'll be priceless.

LemonFerret chapter 1 . 2/23/2011
i loved this, you captured the joker's personality perfectly! i loved the ending most of all, "Paranoid, everybody'll be comin' to find me and I'll be sitting right here, in my cozy little hideout, eating Chinese takeout and watching overrated Monty Python. They'll be expecting the worst of me. But Tomorrow, I'm not gonna do a damn thing." pure genius! this fic actually had me laughing my ass off. incredible job! :D
Henpuku-Hime chapter 1 . 2/3/2011
A glorious insight in Gotham's Clown prince of Crime's mind- and you got it spot-on in my humble opinion. Funny, creative (I just LOVE the Bruce Wayne proposal idea, especially the 'oops'afterwards when he'd find out WHO he'd just thrown to an icy death XD)insightful, clever and unique. I also much enjoy the quotes, and think it's exactly like the joker to in the end do nothing at all, just because people expected them to. Lovely. Once again your writing style amazes me (though it makes me slightly jealous, haha...) and I find myself jumping up and down behind my desk, screaming for more. XD So now I am once again off to your profile to do exactly that. See if there's more.
deletedgone chapter 1 . 1/18/2011
That evil genius him, or you...or both...

The Visine intrigues me so...I've always wanted to use the extra saran wrap that's in my cabinets...

This was great, especially the Wayne/Joker wedding (gun to temple part made me guffaw).
TheSecretHeart chapter 1 . 4/5/2010
Good story )