Reviews for Into the Abyss
lizyeh2000 chapter 9 . 2/27/2016
Love that quote thanks for updating!
HinataMarie chapter 8 . 3/26/2012
Poor Neah! I just wanna cry for him. I can't believe Mana killed their dad tho. Man this is an awesome story! You have to update soon!
Pearl of the Orient Seas chapter 8 . 6/18/2011
This is a certainly amazing fic! I can certainly imagine Neah's and Mana's back story to be like this.

And, you wrote everything very well! An occasional wrong spelling or a grammatical error here and there, but that's very natural and understood. Although, was Neah's name supposed to be 'Nicholas' here? 'Cause I see that name every now and then. Very confusing.

I'm worried about the Walker brothers, and I look forward and dread the next chapter, all the same. But, still, I hope you update soon~~~
tsukinopen chapter 5 . 3/31/2011
Yes, yes, yes. About time a Mana/Neah fanfic came along.

I hope to see some of the stuff mentioned in the manga like mana and neah running away from the Earl.

This is SUPER AWESOME. Keep it up!
RandomReviewer chapter 8 . 3/31/2011
UPDATE, Please! :)
Kuraun Kuraun chapter 8 . 3/26/2011
I must say, this story has a lot of potential. It's been planned out well, and the emotion goes much deeper than a lot of other stories I've seen. I especially like the way you've chosen to portray Mana and Neah's characters. Overall, it's an enjoyable story so far, and I look forward to seeing what other obstacles they will be faced with.
Medusa Q chapter 8 . 3/26/2011
I've just started reading... and... I like this fanfiction. It's powerful and packed with so much emotion, I swear you could just feel Mana and Neah's pain. Especially Neah, that poor boy, and all the tortures he has to go through.

Neah's father is really asking for a beating, lashing out on an innocent child just like that. He does not have the rights to inflict any wounds on poor Neah, much as he'd like to. Well, I'm glad he is dead, but I was not expecting for him to be killed by Mana - I was thinking of the other way round instead, and thought that Neah would awaken as a Noah and kill him instead. How wrong was I. It's a nice twist to the story :)

Now, I wonder, how Neah and Mana can cope after this. What would have happened if the murder gets found out by someone? The consequences would no doubt be dire.

This fanfiction is one of those rare fanfiction found on this website that actually contains emotion-wrecking scenes. I love this fanfic, and I will await eagerly for the next update. :)

MQ - "Medusa Queen"
James Birdsong chapter 8 . 3/25/2011
Well done
mysticwolf1896 chapter 7 . 11/7/2010
ooh, that was a bit harsh. feels really bad for both brothers but surprisingly more so for mana. he does so much for his brother, i can just feel the love.
Arceus the Creator chapter 7 . 11/1/2010
Poor boys... I feel bad for both of them.
Kitfox Warrior chapter 7 . 10/10/2010
That would be a little harsh I should think.
Disengage Gravity chapter 7 . 10/8/2010
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! He's finally dead! Neah's father I mean. *cough*
Makuyi chapter 7 . 10/8/2010
Yikes, having to bury the body and return to the scene of the crime must be what puts some criminals over the edge, ya know? I'd hate to have to go bury a body, whether it was my fault for the death or not. -shudders- Mana's got courage. I feel sorry for Neah though (odd, calling him by that name...), since he still hasn't woken up. Hopefully all will be well for the boy though since he at least seemed to have improved a bit. It's always a good sign when they're still breathing and they're moving a bit. And I do hope he'll wake up soon, but I think Mana might want to clean up a bit before hand. ._.' I would not be pleased to wake up and find out later that there was blood everywhere from the -cough- incident. Anyways, I shall try to patiently wait for the next chapter. :3

Keep doing what ya love!

NitenGale chapter 6 . 9/6/2010
Whoa. Mana, you're scary. I wasn't really expecting that, life being unfair and all that with few truly feeling the effects of justice. But at least the demon won't be around anymore. Good riddance.

I'm looking forward to whatever you have planned next!
Arceus the Creator chapter 6 . 9/3/2010
poor guys, this is sad.
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