Reviews for Caught
Magnusrae chapter 1 . 4/27/2010
Well done in capturing these two characters. The story made me smile, much like Johnny's antics so often do; I think it could be a chapter in the manga. The merry-go-round analogy that revealed Johnny's motives made a lot of sense too.
Kahenia chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Nice! Love these two characters!
SecondtoNon chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
...there's not words to describe it...

Manga needs more fanfiction.
Shaitanah chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
Oh, I was sure I'd left a review for this (I read it the same time as the other story)). Turns out I'm more sclerotic than I thought. XD Anyhow, call me a pervert, but church sexy stuff is a great combination! XD (Btw I sort of... started reading this manga. And I can already see, even though I haven't got far yet, that you do a great job portraying the characters. XD)
NINJA-RENKA chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
Interesting . . . I like how you handled both Charlie and Johnny in this story. The cat and mouse metaphor is an old, tried and true one, but I think you used it well. I really appreciate that you made the attraction between them clear within a oneshot fic.

I hope to see more Vassalord stories from you in the future!