Reviews for Super Smash Bros Gamer 2
ShadowHero1927 chapter 10 . 9/25/2012
A Super Smash Bros. style Total Drama story would be AWESOME! You should totally do it!
Foxpilot chapter 41 . 8/27/2011
...Yeah, sorry, I don't have much to say. Any points I've made I've belabored to nothingness and I really don't have any id-

OBJECTION! The weather outside has given me a wonderful idea!

Dr. Mario:

Try to survive a Category 5 hurricane while floating on a floe of ice with with walls that are just big enough to keep you from falling off.

If Dr. Mario is unavailable, then you choose. I've lost track of the victims.
Gamerofloz chapter 41 . 8/27/2011
It was new, and sorta interesting, but your writing showed you lacked interest. I hope you think of something to get you interested in the story again! Well, I would like to help but... I'm no good with ideas...
Gamerofloz chapter 40 . 7/1/2011

Well... remind me not to ever make Crazy Hand mad...
For What I Hope chapter 40 . 6/28/2011
Wow, just wow. Your show/story is making me obsessed! Thank goodness I didn't bother to picture the purple(ugly) dinosaur pole dancing. I've already been traumatized by it enough. I want to suggest a torture.

Pikachu(or Raichu if already done)-Strap Pikachu into an electric chair and lock him in a room full of internet memes and Kirby's annoying taunt. The electric chair can suck electric energy and reflect it 300x Pikachu isn't dead then the time bomb under the chair will blow up and kill it. Then it has to be revived to give me autographs with a pokèball under so I get to keep it. The next chapter after, I comeback with the Pikachu's Masterball and give it to you.
Foxpilot chapter 40 . 6/26/2011
...Crazy Hand has fans? *Hears an "ahem."* ...I feel the eyes of demented preteens looking at me. I'll be back. *Runs from people wearing giant hand suits, Benny Hill-style.*

Anyway, I'm afraid to say this-seriously, the concept spawning this comment is horrifying-but you've wrapped around from torturing fictional characters to mentally scarring your readers. Barney, pole-dancing? Stuff of nightmares, TO, nightmares. I think the world would be better off without that image floating on the Internet. Forget the fact that it probably already exists, there's no need to expand it. You should seriously watch your mind. There's horror, and then there's sticking blades of torment into the readers' mental eyes. This is one of the worst mental tortures I've ever seen. It's impressive in its own right, but I do have to wonder if it's worth it.

What is likely worth it, though, is the change to Mr. What-ever. Ana and Yoh have been your hosts for almost 40 chapters now. I think they deserve a break to do...I don't know, and I don't want to know. Let's leave it mysterious. Anyway, Mr. What-ever makes a surprising parody of western-U. S. culture (and Internet culture, really), and is worth keeping. Do try to cut down on the "likes," though. Too much of a good thing, after all.

Jigglypuff, you're no fun. Have a bomb. *Gives Bob-Omb covered in superglue.* Enjoy.
Foxpilot chapter 39 . 5/2/2011
No no no no no. That's -not- how you stop a Landmaster. You have to use one of these babies! *Pulls out a guided missile launcher.* I gift it to you, as I have no need to kill Landmasters.

Personally, I have nothing against Louie or Pikmin. Though I do have to say that Terminator ninjas are a terrible thing to make foes of. Poor, poor Louie. His incompetence was his usual. If he was smart, he'd have bought front-row tickets instead. Oh well, not my problem.

That kid seriously needs to learn some manners. Of course, nobody in their right mind would get within shooting distance of the brat. Haha, Tex Avery-style item calling strikes again!


Uh-oh, the boss is...gassy!

Why yes, I have been in the Okami again. Why do you ask?
The World type BETA chapter 38 . 4/26/2011
mah torture:

girls:google *inhales* , scary maze game, tailsdoll comickpro deviantart, failed shotgun suicide, squidwards suicide, suicide mouse, harlequin fetus pics, lotus breast images, 2girls1cup and finally .
Gamerofloz chapter 38 . 4/25/2011
Haha, don't worry about not updating, no one does it anymore. Also, why does this show become ten timesmore hilarious after reading the Shaman King Manga?
Foxpilot chapter 38 . 4/24/2011
I take it you've played Other M, then? That was actually the best parody I've seen of him since Brawl in the Family's tribute. Well, it's the only one, but that's besides the point, right?

Anyway, welcome back to the site after all this time. It seems you're paying a bit more attention to the actual typing, too. A bit. But it's still a welcome improvement.

The victims don't seem very happy to see your return. Not that I blame them-all they get is pain here. However, their pain is our laughter, and it's not our fault that they don't try to stage a revolt. Or is it...?

I'm suddenly inspired by a torture idea:

Jigglypuff (if Jiggly's already been done, then Wario)-try to stage a revolt against the producer, host, and judges.

I think we all know where this'll lead. That also reminds me, aren't reviewers (other than me, who has had his turn) supposed to be guest-judging?
Pk Love Omega chapter 38 . 4/23/2011
:) nice fic!

Roy. torture whoever yuu want!(nt Marth..) Justin Bieber..nd pk fire him xD

Update soon(:
O. Gallan Rager chapter 38 . 4/22/2011
Hehehe...I missed your series and I'm sorry for all that I have missed on the series. I'd knew you'd find Gucci Mane's song. When you said YAAAA GUCHI! I missed you alot. I hope you keep this thing going as long as you can.
Lup-Laguz chapter 38 . 4/22/2011
XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD Oh gosh, this is hilareous, as always. Since your having trouble with ideas, I can help. Tie someone to an electric chair, send a zillion ninjas to attack them, then have that person tell a 5 year old that Santa isn't real, and that 5 year old is a assasin with a horrible temper. And then(if you know what Eddsworld is, if not, skip this part) that person must steal Tom's smirnoff and Tom's bass Susan and Edd's coke and Matt's pics of himself then feel theier wrath as I'm supplying the Eddsworld guys with any weaponory needed. (as the weapons are being stolen from a magical place called Tord's closet. ;3)

Kirby:-.-' You tried to bring Eddsworld into a dare? Geez, your getting way to obssesed with Eddsworld.

Me:I'm not obssesed.

Kirby:Dude, you hug the computer screen when Edd shows up.

Me:Not every time.

Kirby: *facepalms*At least your not obssesed with that game your borrowing from Dracogold...

Me:You mean Golden Sun? I love it! It's so addicting! Ivan is so cute!


Me:Aaaaand I must end this review so I can get a green hoody. PEACE OUT!
Hedo Kingoglu chapter 37 . 12/26/2010

Suggestion: Jigglypuff you might be my favorite charachter and my OC pokemon Elcachu may love you but world isn't fair.

First you have to drink a galloon of sprite.

Then have a candy cancer

After that a gay of gay will come and put his Wee Wee to your Cha Cha (It means make up and do it in front of everyone!)

Then(Not finished) My OC Elcachu will put his pokemonist Wee Wee to your pokemonist Cha Cha and got VERY WILD

AND Have two baby one of them will be gay and the other will be ugly

NOT FINISHED Then go to the Lesbian Fangirls and Gay FanBoys pit and make a Wee Wee Cha Cha moment.

THEN Kill yourself to make me a part of this show

And go to HELL.

Foxpilot chapter 37 . 12/25/2010
A giant brick of platinum? Classy. It's better when it falls on a certain short spacefarer.

So -that's- why I got so many clothes; Treeko stole all my good gifts and they had to be replaced at the last minute! Shoot, if I'd been awake to catch it, then I could have gotten a lot of good stuff. Hmm, but then it couldn't finish to torture...

Yes, merry Christmas and happy Boxing Day to you, too! And a happy New Year, as well!
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