Reviews for On the Shores of Avalon
Bottlebrush chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
I love this idea, Arthur and Merlin going to Avalon together, to be young and happy for ever. And I especially like Morgana being redeemed and forgiven – I really regret the “evil Morgana” storyline in the TV show, though I know it’s necessary in order for the plot to develop. Your story does sort everything out to my satisfaction – and it’s well written, too.

One tiny niggle in the second line – “It was time for him to lay down…” Lay down what? He has to lay something, even if it’s only himself. “It was time for him to lay himself down…” OR “It was time for him to lie down…”
Beizanten chapter 1 . 9/23/2010
Great story? but what is Avalon? Is it a form of heaven? Wonder how the saw it or how morgana get there after all the bad thing she done. great that they can finally be truly happy together! The last scene is so cute and funny! That's so Them!
PhoenixWytch chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
I'm glad for Morgana. A bit sad to see Arthur and Merlin die, though I am thrilled they are going together.

Thanks for writing.
Addictedreader09 chapter 1 . 3/27/2010
i like this version of the end way better than the "real" ones
Sake-tan chapter 1 . 3/27/2010
aw, i just loved it :D

Arthur and merlin were just soo cute! and your writing perfectly fitted the plot, it was clear but smooth, and kind of... i don't know. a touch of happiness that comes in the end?