Reviews for A Basketball Affair
Guest chapter 29 . 6/13
This was such an amazing story. Thank you for putting this out and finishing this. I loved it! The emotions you built in the story were so memorable and true. I hope you continue writing!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/11
I hope your come back and do a new story
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11
Ive always loved this story
Lil veggie burga chapter 4 . 5/19
audbrown chapter 1 . 10/8/2019
I really enjoyed reading all of this story. I would loyally read anything you post in the future.
forestfairy132 chapter 29 . 9/30/2019
Just read my recently posted review... It seems like the application’s programming does not let you comment with any symbols as it will erase words if you do. I meant to say that you must have gone through something similar because you captured Serena’s dilemma perfectly.
forestfairy132 chapter 29 . 9/30/2019
By far, this is one of the best stories I have read on both FanFiction and FictionPress.

You captured the trials and obstacles the characters had to go through beautifully. You showed how complicated the situation was and all the emotions and feelings that come with it. You covered every aspect of the situation: the morality of the action, the guilt but inability to stop, the heartbreak, the hope. You captured it all. If I didn’t know any better, you have gone through something captured Serena’s dilemma perfectly.

In reality, situations like these hardly result in happy endings. However, it was nice to see that everything worked out in the end for all the characters. It gives the readers hope, and that is one of the reason why we readers turn to books.

I don’t usually leave reviews, but I just want to let you know that this work of yours is amazing. Asides from some minor spelling and grammar issues that pop up here and there, your writing is fantastic. And hey, if you ever need someone to review for those minor spelling and grammar issues, let me know.
Guest chapter 29 . 5/13/2019
Please write more fan fictions just like this for this couple . Your character development and the way you portray your characters is amazing. I think I re read this fan fiction at least 5 times now.
TaelarNicole chapter 28 . 1/31/2019
TaelarNicole chapter 29 . 1/31/2019
Wow! This is one of the best stories I’ve ever read! Absolutely amazing!
Pia Bartolini chapter 29 . 7/5/2018
I’m not usually a wrap-up-all-ends-with-fairytale-level-trappings kind of girl, but the happy relationships and children in the epilogue got me right in the heartstrings after the absolutely insane journey to get there. I simultaneously almost couldn’t read on at points and couldn’t put it down.

As I said in my other reviews, this is probably one of the best written SM fics I’ve ever read, and I’ve been reading them since loooong before I was wife and mama. Thank you, by the way, for not totally butchering pregnancy and childbirth. Most of those scenes in books and movies are painfully unrealistic in one fashion or another. I think you covered the whole thing with just the right amount of detail.

How I missed the existence of this story for so long is a mystery. I blame real life for cutting into my fic reading time. But regardless, this was a momentous effort and a story I really didn’t have high hopes for from the initial description and opening chapter. Wow and bravo!
Pia Bartolini chapter 28 . 7/5/2018
Can I just curse you for the most agonizingly twisty ride ever? Again? I haven’t even finished, I’m one chapter from the epilogue, and this has eaten my life. I want to strangle half the characters for their selfishness and poor judgment. Push Trista in front of a truck again, give Beryl a giant smack on the lips for being so weirdly sweet and loyal, and shake Serena repeatedly for her choices. As though a lack of immediate honesty hasn’t bitten her in the ass more than once in this story? Poor Darien, missing the whole pregnancy.

This has been a total nightmare and I’m completely emotionally invested in the story. I LOVE IT!
Pia Bartolini chapter 16 . 7/4/2018
Oh my goodness gracious, what a roller coaster the last two chapters have been. I was on the edge of my seat during the championship game (you wrote the pants off it, and I couldn’t even eat and read I was so nervous on behalf of Serena!), the drama with Jason, TRISTA! I’m dying over here, what craziness and angst and excitement and wtf-ery.

You’re killing me and I’m loving every damn word of it.
Pia Bartolini chapter 14 . 7/3/2018
Okay, you’ve driven me to it. I can’t not review, though I was going to wait until the end of the story to give my full thoughts. But the condom picking scene, alone, was probably the biggest grin I’ve had EVER while reading SM fan fiction, and probably several other series as well. Add to that the beautiful, careful, slow burn of a climb you’ve established for this relationship and I’m a goner. This is an amazing story, probably on my top three of all time list, and that’s saying something since I’ve been reading fanficifon for over two decades now.

Yeah, okay, there are some spelling errors and funky word choice - I laugh every time I see you type menstruation in place of ministration on accident - but your skill in storytelling and characterization is blindingly obvious even with little grammatical mistakes here and there. This is a momentous work of fiction in both length and quality and I thank you, from the bottom of my fangirl heart, for sharing it. I’d have paid money for it as a work of original fiction if the names were changed.

And I haven’t even FINISHED the damn thing yet. It’s this amazing and I’m only halfway through. Mindblown. I don’t even like basketball and I love every damn thing, balling included, about the tale you’ve woven. Words can’t express how much joy this has given me to read thus far today, but I wanted to try my damndest to let you know how deeply I appreciate and respect and have enjoyed the effort you’ve shown with Darien and Serena in this story. Thank you so much.
lilkathra chapter 28 . 1/1/2018
I really don't think Serena would tell him if he did not show up or thing worked out with his wife and that is very wrong yes it was a mess on both sides cuz his wife was the first to cheat and cockhold on her husband she did not love her husband the way she should or her career was more to her and thinking that Brian understands her better and had the same love for medicine but she wanted to have Brian and her husband and not give her husband what he needed but it was not ok for him to find it out somewhere else and when he did she freacked
But I still do think it was right of Serena to not tell him she was pregnant or that she had his baby and not tell him even if it gets messy every father needs to decide if they want to be a father it's not up to the woman to take that right away cuz she's scared or anything sometimes we have to do thing that scares us
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