Reviews for Love Me For Who I Am
ManifestDoom chapter 4 . 3/18/2014
I absolutely have to know: If and when America goes back to normal...will England tell him he put a spell on him? Will America know at all?

I have so many theories, ah! It's killing me!
Guest chapter 4 . 12/2/2012
DUDETTE YOU GOTTA CONTINUE THIS FLEEEEEEASE! (I have one letter on my keyboard that doesn't work, so I can only reflace it TTTT)

pingo1387 chapter 3 . 3/7/2012
"Fantastic Spells and How to Counter Them"? Did you get that from "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"?
Shiva491 chapter 4 . 2/20/2012
...Awesome. I've been wondering when someone would write something like this, and here it is. And it is good :)

UPDAATE. (pleeeease?)

Given the Published/Update dates, I'm not optomistic, but I am hopeful. Pleeeeeaaaase?
Luigi1997 chapter 4 . 11/10/2011
Awesome! Please continue!
xxalexisurgodxx chapter 4 . 11/8/2011
oh my god, are you not continuing this story? I'm about to cry.

Please... please continue it... I'll even write you a USUK as kinda like a trade for it?

This was getting so good... I need this to be finished. And you're such a good writer too- everyone was so in character! Well, except for America... who was breaking my heart. Poor England... I swear I'm going to cry. They need to have hot passionate sex after this. Or it will not be complete. [

And if you need a beta, I'll do it! Just figured I'd offer...
Hellhound15 chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
I really hope that America turns back to his original self. Because we all know that deep dow, England really does miss America's antics,
wilkiswilk chapter 4 . 6/25/2011
It's been nearly a year since you've updated, and I'm dying to see an end to this interesting story. Update. Please?
SuperNekofan chapter 4 . 6/23/2011
This story is great! I can't wait for more! Silly, silly Iggy, you never change the person you love to be the way you want them too, you have to accept their flaws. ;D Please update soon!
Mi Yool chapter 4 . 3/3/2011
The reviewer named Lmao has it right on the money. Everything she (or he?) said is the great tragedy of this story, and the reasons WHY it should be eventually continued. We need Arthur to have a grand epiphany, to truly see how this whole ordeal highlights the glaring problems that their relationship always had, and for him to finally truly empathize with Alfred and LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP. I'm sorry, tsundere Arthur, but if you're more tsun than dere then you have NO HOPE of a healthy relationship.

For the love of gawd, continue this fic.
TheDayYouSaidGoodnight chapter 4 . 1/10/2011
Is this over? It would make me completely sad if it were. Please do continue. I miss stupid, bubbly, obnoxious Alfie.
Myuuu chapter 4 . 10/15/2010
When are you going to finish this fic? TTATT It's been a year, hasn't it?
As I Pondered chapter 4 . 9/7/2010
My goodness, this is an incredible read! I love that you took England's wishes for a more polite and proper America seriously and shoved it into a plot, because, hot damn, it is a real attention-grabber. And not only in that sense, but you portray the two countries emotions so well in the situations they are thrusted into. You demonstrate a great understanding of how terribly missed the conceited, lovable buffoon of America can be; if not only in England's case.

Oh, I truly do miss the oaf myself, I just cannot wait for when he actually returns (I can only imagine England's absolute joy- and it is giving me chills!)

I've been hooked since coming across it over a month ago. Whenever I come on I look to see if this story has been updated.(Also, I find it funny that you published this story on the 21st of March, my birthday haha! Not that this holds any importance at all...)

Please, please, please update soon! :D
Fai'swingedchronicles chapter 4 . 8/15/2010
It seems America still loves England but just can't express himself like he used to because he can no longer just act like himself. Poor poor America.

Poor UK too! Please do update soon
Player3 chapter 4 . 8/9/2010
D: angst angst angst... This must be resolved! I'll be waiting for your update!
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