Reviews for A Different Kind of Math
IheartCharlie chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
'A real one?' Hahaha genius!

Don't worry, my class is used to me not being normal as well (but then again I am a drama student :P)
miss-tarletone chapter 1 . 8/27/2012
Very cute! I loved it!
Cinnamon Selkie chapter 1 . 10/17/2010
~"Yes, Charlie. We are going to have a baby."

"A real one?"~

Oh dear. *Laughs* I think that they're going to make wonderful parents. Cinnamon.
kalabangsilver chapter 1 . 3/22/2010
This calls for a HUGE massive "aw"... very very cute and, at a push, believable. You've definately got the charlie excitement down, for one thing. :)

Sorry i've not got around to reviewing your other stuff yet. Life, once more, occured.

All the best, my crazed friend.


ps - In your profile. "mistakes such as those people who you end up killing twice. ( Silver, that was for you. )" ...Um, eh, pardon, WHAT? I have never done something so foolish... *eyes shift left... eyes shift right*... tee hee


samgirl19 chapter 1 . 3/21/2010
lol and im upset numb3rs went bye bye last friday ugh i hate cbs for that and i dont think the ending did any justice for us fans i know we got to see charlie and amita wedding but other then that it shouldve been closure for us fans
klutzysunshine chapter 1 . 3/20/2010
Aw, this was cute! I loved it.