Reviews for All The Makings Of An Apocalypse
Anie Bookes chapter 14 . 5/16
I hate Nick. This whole story and Beetlejuice, Nick and Lydia love triangle is giving me Twilight vibes. Story was good but then the love triangle relationship ruined it. I'm gonna stop here.
Guest chapter 20 . 9/22/2018
What things did he say, and what things did he do?
Guest chapter 12 . 9/22/2018
Maybe Lydia should have gone for badminton, instead of tennis.
Guest chapter 21 . 8/17/2017
Phoebe wouldn't have been alive, back then, in the middle ages.
Guest chapter 28 . 12/18/2016
Wedding time!
Guest chapter 23 . 12/18/2016
Oh my god! Another epic plot twist!
Guest chapter 21 . 12/18/2016
Oh my god! Epic plot twist!
Guest chapter 19 . 12/17/2016
ReignitedN7 chapter 19 . 4/27/2016
ReignitedN7 chapter 14 . 4/27/2016
I swear I want to roundhouse kick Lydia in the teeth. I love this story but she needs to get off that high horse and dump this Nick dude. Like seriously...and Betel you need to get your head out of your ass. As much as you probably like the dead cold and smell of funk in there...damn man pull yourself together!

Other than that...this story fucking rocks.
BD-Z chapter 28 . 4/9/2016
I didn't get a chance to review but I loved this story. Really loved it. I wish I had more to say about it but I just can't think. I just needed to leave you a review.
Megilien chapter 28 . 2/15/2016
So I dunno how much really, reaaaaally late reviews are worth [if anything at all], but I wanted to express my appreciation for your Beetlejuice/Lyds trilogy all the same :3

I found and started reading WCMLEBS yesterday, and basically just. devoured the whole thing *and* this one since then. For starters, I have to give you mad props not just for the sheer epicness of this trilogy [it's heartbreaking to see just how many great Beetlejuice stories have been left unfinished since 2006/2007 or something ;A; I'm so glad this wasn't the case, especially since I highly doubt this level of dedication and discipline -seriously, the research/effort you poured into this is amazing- was easy], but for pulling off the toon/movie melding thing, too [Doomie! and Jacques! and Ginger! and so many Neitherworld locations! ].

[and, on a less elevated, more this-kinda-frustrated-me-so-I-have-to-vent-a-bit-y note: for sticking to your guns and not changing essential elements of your story when confronted with an incredibly rude ( say the least) reviewer (LoliPear).They should have apologised to you, not the other way around; several comments of bluntly sulking because your personal preference didn't coincide with the author's plans is anything *but* critique. /rant over, sorry]

I really appreciate the badassery you've infused Lyds with [''bang bang fucker'' is such a great line], you have an awesome grasp of Beetlejuice's character [you pretty much nail every line coming out of his mouth; special kudos for the subtle ways you've shown that he does care, even about...non-Lydia entities -eg Juno (considering how upset he was after she disappeared and all), Jacques and Ginger], but the thing that stands out to me the most, the heart of this story is, as it should be, Lyds' and Beetlejuice's relationship.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you went for a slow burn approach: it just makes their development [from Lyds being repulsed in every sense of the word by him and BJ only wanting to use her for his lust and as a get-out-of-jail-free card, to genuine love and devotion and a work-in-progress family] all the more believable and amazing [though it's true I'm also Team Throw Nick To The Piranhas : D ; while the triangle thing kinda muddled things up for a while, I understand your reasoning for it]. There were just so many moments between them worth highlighting that there's no way this review could hope to show them the proper respect; but off the top of my head: the first whisky apology [I loved how oddly sweet their first real kiss was and how much it surprised BJ; also the fact that while he did consider the possibility of taking advantage of Lyds in her vulnerable state, he opted to have the blanket cover her sleeping form instead], Beetlejuice's delight -he seemed like a little kid excited to show off his toys, which was oddly endearing- at seeing Lydia so enamoured with the Neitherworld, his ''he'd force her to be happy'' line which stuck with me because it says so much about his mindset, lol, the fact that during his recovery she showed signs of having adopted quite a few of his mannerisms, swear words etc, their first time [your lemons are A *nods*. I loved that Lydia was actually the one to initiate it in Ireland; it was also wonderful to see how much the experience loosened her up a bit. How she was radiating happiness, basically], the ''I do''s and the beautiful symbolism you attached to them [which is pretty impressive considering how it all started], how he chose to show her that he loved her back instead of saying the words, how Lydia eventually understood that a different form of expression does not mean less intensity of feeling, his line about Lyds not being a possession to him anymore, and, of course, the first signs of just how fiercely he'll come to love and protect their baby.

Long story short- almost all their dialogue [I've loved their banter, even when less than friendly, lol], mutual rescues, tender moments and so on have rung true/IC to me- your writing has managed to keep that amazing chemistry that is so canonically *them* [seriously, you're very good at both romantic and sexual tension] while also adding and exploring emotional layer after emotional layer with various degrees of subtlety. Honestly, I love how you write their dynamic so much, I could probably read a 700-page book exclusively about their doing random mundane stuff if you wrote it. And would still probably ask for more afterwards.

So thank you for all the work and time and love that went into this trilogy [it shows!]. It's been an awesome read so far and I'm so glad there's one more part for me to enjoy _
Jenmoon1 chapter 30 . 4/28/2014
love it a lot
lamexicana04 chapter 30 . 3/31/2011
This story. Is. Fabuloooooouuuus!
HalfBlackWolfDemon chapter 29 . 11/14/2010
Oh man, that was sooo awesome! I just finished reading the whole story and I'm blown away... Again! Now, ONTO THE THRID INSTALLMENT! *dances*

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