Reviews for Double Vision
TheSnicketSister chapter 2 . 11/8/2018
I just really loved your word choices in this, everything was so perfect and polished, I hope to aspire to it! Also I’m always a sucker for Sam with the visions. This was great!
Salishaventura chapter 2 . 4/30/2018
Great story. I would love for Sam's vision to come back.
reannablue chapter 2 . 8/19/2017
Deans protectiveness of Sam is like a drug to me. Great story.
jublke chapter 2 . 7/25/2017
I like the concept of them fighting - or rather, helping, in this case - a fire imp. They really should do an episode like that on the show. Nice one!
Rosie chapter 2 . 11/18/2015
Oooh ooh I loved this. I really love Season 1, and the dynamic you established here was so great. And the very end had me muttering "No, oh no that's not why Sam left, sweetie!" Like some over-affectionate mom. Jeeze. Good job. This was so friggin cute.
MRitz chapter 2 . 1/8/2011
I don't understand how did I miss this story! Never got the alerts. Glad I found this masterpiece too along with your new story. This story's superb too. Man, I loved when Sammy used to get those painful visions. That's why Nightmare is one'a my best episodes. But it wasn't Dean who was burning to death, it was Sam himself. That means...he'd had his own death vision! WOW...lovely. Awesome..oops..I mean, AwSam :- Love this one too.

Crystalzap chapter 2 . 8/20/2010
this is a great story :)
lindahoyland chapter 2 . 7/17/2010
A most enjoyable story.I love lots of brotherly h/c!
snlover10 chapter 2 . 5/10/2010
Short and good!

HA! at this- ''"But I wasn't trapped by the fire; that was you."''. I mean, I can practically hear and see Dean whining and saying this with a pout.

Hee. And yaay for suffering Sammy!
pinkphoenix1985 chapter 2 . 4/23/2010
SITC- this is brilliant and I miss S1 so much :( It was nice to read about the brothers way back when they were more "innocent"
Dragonflysoul chapter 2 . 4/5/2010
Aw, I just LOVED this. Thank you!
DontKnowMyName chapter 2 . 4/4/2010
I can't believe it took me so long to get to this but I just started playing catch up with my inbox. This was great. Anytime you, gidget, or faye write a story I get so excited cause it just makes up for everything going on in the show. Love the brotherly moments! Yet another great story ). Hope you had a great Easter!
Trish62 chapter 2 . 4/4/2010
A nice little story - just enough h/c, and interesting new bad thingy! well done!
skag trendy chapter 2 . 3/27/2010
'A wave of protectiveness flooded Dean when he turned to find Sam in his sleep-pants and t-shirt, fisting his tired eyes. Sam was a highly competent hunter with a geeky brain and a big physique yet he managed to look as threatening as a toddler searching for his missing teddy bear. "Why don't you get some shut eye?"'

So much to love about this fic, but this part was diamond.

And I'm glad you've attributed Sam's time at Stanford as a necessity rather than a selfish act. Even Kripke himself isn't so gracious about it.

Cheers hon.

Kind regards,

ST x
carryon-vs chapter 2 . 3/26/2010
I love you and your physical descriptions of Sam when he is limp. You have a real knack for it, especially when it comes to capturing Sam's bonelessness sometimes. I totally love the way you can make me SEE it like few authors can.

I am going to bask in the glory of all that for awhile now :)

Awesome fic.
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