Reviews for Chamomile
Guest chapter 1 . 10/30/2014
this is so deep, man.
Fuyka and Melodic chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
I don't know Bubbles.
Somewei chapter 1 . 6/29/2011
I really love the eerie feeling that's being given. It's sort of like what sbj and Incy said, it starts out feeling like a drabble about Octi, but when you really know that it's Him you're writing about, it adds a completely different, creepy feeling to it that really tugs at you.

I love that you use Bubbles' favorite toy, Octi, to really tie in not only Octi-Evil, but Him into Bubbles' life. He really did have an impact either way you look at it. This whole fic's atmosphere was really...what word do I want to use? Otherworldly? Ethereal? Or maybe amazing? Either way, I enjoyed it!
x.x.x.error404.x.x.x chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
It was sweet but also creepy at the same time, the drabble itself is so simple but readed carfully -specially the last line- it turns into something dark and mysterius.

Way to write!
sbj chapter 1 . 3/22/2010

I love how you never state outright within the fic that it's Him. At first it seems like a sweet drabble about Octi. But looking back at the pairing really turns it on its head and adds a whole new dimension to it. The best part is it works either way! I really, really like that you left the pairing implied more than anything else; it makes it that much more rewarding when you read over it again and realize what it's really about.

(Of course, if I'm totally off the mark feel free to correct me.)

As far as concrit goes, "fulling with the timely accounts...?" I tripped up a bit; wasn't sure if you were going for "filling" or "full." One little period is missing from the ellipses at "end..until..." And lastly, I think Powerpuff should be capitalized, as it's a proper noun :)

Overall the narrative voice is great; very dream-like and ethereal, and very fitting considering who it's focused on (Octi) and who it's really about. Don't let anyone discourage you from writing more drabbles!
Prats 'R' Us chapter 1 . 3/19/2010
wow this is good, kinda chilling too. Bubbles seems like you have a stalker. Love the last sentence and the way you described the toy.
zenonaa chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
:O This was really good. The last line sent a shiver down my spine.
Incy Little Spider chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
Man, you type fast!

This story was rather cute and creepy and I love it. It feels like Bubbles is rather disappointed that Octi can't speak anymore...maybe that's why she keeps lugging him around for the rest of the series. Cause she wants him to start whispering in her ear again.

Sinister...and nice. And I'm stuffing all my old plush toys into my brothers room tonight so they can kill him first instead of me.