Reviews for Just a Knife
bookgirl18 chapter 1 . 6/16
This is a great little story. Thanks for writing it. I loved the introspection of this story and a look into the philosophy of Kamiya Kassin Ryu.
piccolabimba chapter 1 . 6/3
Such a philosophy lesson! Thank you. I think people tend to ascribe "good" and "bad" to all sorts of inanimate objects. I think Kaoru's boys got the lesson :) Thanks for writing!
Mako-clb chapter 1 . 2/12
Nicely done. And I think Kaoru was the only person in RK who could deliver that message.
missloquacious90 chapter 1 . 1/30/2019
I love the exploration of the philosophy behind her style. Really interesting!
lunamagic2005 chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
For years I've been coming back to reread this story, at least once a year or so. It's very well written, I enjoy it every time.
Gyreflight chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
I've been in the mood for RK fics again recently, and have been re-visiting some old favourites – at which point I was rather ashamed to realise that I've never actually left any feedback for this – and I definitely should have, especially if I'm still coming back to it again after so long.

This is a classic. It's beautifully done, a perfect encapsulation of an idea, expressed cleanly and rationally, but with both power and emotion - I can see and hear the scene as if I did actually watch it happen, every character in place, nothing extraneous, and everything fitting together to make a seamless whole.

The ideals of Kaoru's style often get lost next to Kenshin's, but it takes a lot of courage to be an idealist when reality is trying to break in - after Kenshin came to stay with her, no one could claim that Kaoru wasn't aware of the harsher realities of the world.

Of the two of them, it may be Kaoru whose belief is the stronger. After all, it's Kaoru who looks at an assassin and sees a man, and Kenshin who is never quite able to trust that that is true. His early comment about what a sword is meant for is as respectful as it can be, but it leaves no doubt of what he thinks.

This was the first fic I read that had Kaoru call him on it – and make him take her seriously.

Very well done.
Neko-Mitsuko chapter 1 . 3/3/2015
I like this!
IWasNeverReal chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
Daaaaamn. That was wicked. Go Kaoru!
AccountKiller500 chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
Very well written!
Keep up the good work!
A Midsummer chapter 1 . 9/3/2014
Kaoru asserting for once her authority as an instructor. This is really the first time I've seen her as Kaoru the instuctor and the mature woman she really is underneath the insecurities.
UrmixMoonstone chapter 1 . 3/8/2014
Angelica Chibis chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
very good! *O*
thelouringlady chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
Wonderful! I wish more writers would take the time to explore Kaoru's viewpoint on life and her family style.
meantoddy chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
cool. :) such a smart woman, Kaoru-dono is. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
i was digging around the dusty archives and stumbled upon this wonderfully insightful and profound explanation... great little scene! so glad to read stories where kaoru isn't just clobbering people willynilly without restraint because she is so much more than that, she is an intelligent and caring young woman.

just in case you hadn't heard about the 'rurouni kenshin' live action movie that's been released in japan and they're planning on releasing it in over sixty countries! or the new manga rewrite it's called 'kinema ban' or the animated rewrite of the kyoto arc called 'shin kyoto hen' (all different stories, kenshin is depicted as less silly and a bit more serious).

if you plug in the following code in the youtube search engine you can see a few of the trailers for the live action movie:


enjoy! -there are english subs on youtube for the trailers if you look for them it's just that that was the only one with all seven character portrayals in one video.

kokoronagomu. deviantart. com
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