Reviews for Oriens Ex Cinere
Phoenix900 chapter 6 . 6/12/2016
Love it!
DeiStarr chapter 5 . 10/22/2014
I enjoyed this story - several of yours, actually - but I wanted to suggest a quick edit.

When Harry expresses relief that "Nix" isn't the name of a god, Draco could smirk and say mention that a Nix also happens to be the name of a shapeshifting male water spirit (or water-sprite; also known as a "Man of the rapids" who lives in pools, waterfalls, or fast-flowing rivers). In Germanic folklore they either lure men (or sometimes women and children) to their doom, or simply play the violin to entertain or please their listeners (they would sometimes teach their enchanting songs to humans who brought them gifts); occasionally wandering onto the land (though they can't be away from the water too long without sinking into a deep deppression), and sometimes even falling in love with a human. One of their more common shapeshifting forms was supposedly a dragon or a wyrm (essentially a winged serpent).

(It's also called a Neck, Nøkke, Nixie, Näkki, Näcken, Nøkken, Nicor, Strömkarl, Nykr, Fosse-Grim, Knucker, (the one usually depicted as a dragon or a wyrm), Water-Wyrm, or a Näck (among others but those are the most common) - the names generally translate to words like nude (their human forms were either depicted nude or scantily clad with very enticing bodies), to wash or be washed, or water monster (or some type of one). A Nixe is the female version, and the most common shapeshifting form of the Nix is a horse. They're related to Kelpies, Kappas, Selkies, Sierns, Lorelei, Grindylows, or Rhinmaidens (or Rheintöchter); but most of all Mermaids or Mermen. They have beautiful voices, play the violin so beautifully they enchant anyone who hears it - even the trees - and they are incredibly beautiful themselves. They delight in music, song, and dancing above all.)

You can look up more on Wikipedia - just Google web search "Nix" and click the Wik ki entry for " Neck:_Water-Spirit". Just thought a small blurb on that at the end would be an awesome fit with the story.
Draco mudiliar chapter 6 . 7/6/2012
oh that was good finially they are together.
DraconianKnight chapter 6 . 6/28/2010
Great story but kinda sad. I wish you wouldve gone more in depth abouth the transformations. Like why they happen but otherwise great.
Addiena-Saffir chapter 1 . 4/22/2010
ok attention has been piqued.
emiliexox chapter 6 . 4/15/2010

great :P

well done

i really enjoyed this


LorieMaeLovegood chapter 6 . 3/29/2010

this is beautiful, and i love the title. really well done, and oddly complete for such a short fic.

i hope you produce a sequel, if possible of course... unless there already is one.

may have to investigate. until then, tata!

TheBeauty chapter 6 . 3/27/2010
I can't say that I liked it. The whole plot seems strained. While I liked the fact that Harry randomly changed into a pheonix, I don't understand how Harry betrayed Draco. It's not as if Harry had a chance to explain it before Draco took off and it looked like a right way to let on that he knew about Draco's feelings.
Amras2007 chapter 6 . 3/27/2010
Amazing. I loved the story. Draco's facination with gods and Harry being a fenix was just incredible )
BlaiseLynn chapter 6 . 3/26/2010
So sweet, and i forgot to put this in my last reveiw when Draco first said 'Nix' and harry was afraid it was a god..

Actually Nyx(pronounced the same) is the greek goddess of the night, also known as the Goddess of Vampires...
BlaiseLynn chapter 5 . 3/26/2010
Lol lovedd itt!

I also really love how you make Draco all fasinated with Greek's quite interesting really, because i've been on the greek gods kick for quite a while now!
andrienne80 chapter 6 . 3/26/2010
I LOVE your story! So warm and fuzzy and it made me smile at the end! "That's what we're doing Nix, rising from the ashes." LOVED that line._
BlaiseLynn chapter 4 . 3/26/2010
Okay...Does Charlie actually like Draco or is he just trying to get some reactions outta Harry?

Lol Charlie works with dragons..Draco's name means Dragon...rolf!
chobnbeese chapter 6 . 3/26/2010
JustineAme chapter 6 . 3/25/2010
very sweet story!
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