Reviews for The Broken Girl
Animeloverforever1127 chapter 41 . 6/20
She’s acting like such a brat!
It’s not Rachel’s fault Bruce likes her better then you.
So stop being such a brat and start respecting the dead!
Guest chapter 14 . 6/20
Ok, she is acting like a major spoiled brat, and the nicer of the words that come to my mind. Like come one, it's not her fault your boyfriend finds her hotter than you, or likes her more than you.
(Just my opinion)
(No offence to the writer)
Purplestan chapter 42 . 3/15
What? Why is she acting like the world has ended? Only thing has happened is that Rachel has died and Bruce is mourning her. Jesus christ I take back what I said about her not being a narcissist because she is one.
Purplestan chapter 41 . 3/15
"he has had time!" is she joking Rachel only died like a couple of days ago. She can't just expect him to not love her he'll always llve her. And the whole letter thing just because she wrote that she wanted Bruce to be happy doesn't mean he will just stop loving Rachel. Just because she doesn't love him doesn't mean he has to stop loving her. Feelings like that just don't go away. It's the same thing with Adriana loving Bruce and him not loving her she ain't gonna stop loving him just because he doesn't love her. It doesn't work like that. The letter doesn't mean a damn thing. Yeah just because Rachel wrote that letter doesn't mean Bruce will magically fall out of love with her. Or you know think he hates Rachel and oh I know why don't I magically fall in love with someone else. Feelings like that isnt like flicking a switch it takes time to get over something like that. I really do not understand you logic behind the whole letter thing. And why did you even change it? It would gave had the same outcome him still being in love with her. YOU CAN LOVE SOMEONE AND THEY NOT LOVE YOU BACK.
Purplestan chapter 40 . 3/15
Eh? What was that ending? Her world collasped bit dramatic. Goodness me he's just out of it and half asleep of curse he still loves Rachel even if she is dead and Adriana is a fool for thinking otherwise. You don't stop loving someone when they're dead...
Purplestan chapter 28 . 3/15
I'm confused if it was 3 in the morning why was alfred making breakfast in the last chapter? Or was there a magical time skip that jumped to the next day?
Purplestan chapter 23 . 3/15
She's a Republican oh dear me. Or is that a act hmmm
Purplestan chapter 22 . 3/15
Why are they talking like soul mates is a proved fact? Is this another au thing where soul mates exist? And that advice was so bad if someone is in love with someone else you just leave them because they obviously aren't putting in as much effort in. No one deserves to be second best and it's ridiculous to tell someone to stop with someone who's inlove with someone else. You can't force someone to love you when they love someone else. That's just toxic.
Purplestan chapter 22 . 3/15
Why did Happy call her hun? Not sure where you come from but where I'm from men do not say hun (unless they're gay) and it's something just girls call each other. And the fact that happy is a lot older than Adriana makes it sound a bit creepy.
Purplestan chapter 20 . 3/15
Yeah even though she's 26 the age still doesn't fit in with the timeline. Means she was 26 in 2003. Also she got called a narcissist? She's definitely not a narcissist if she was she wouldn't be fake dating Bruce. Narcissists only care about themselves so if she was one why would she fake date someone when she gets nothing from it? Think she needs a better therapist.
Purplestan chapter 17 . 3/15
Wait hoe has she evem figured out he's batman confused?
Purplestan chapter 17 . 3/15
"Adriana looked at Bruce she seemed to only see him, not the batman lurking not far behind,but just him, Bruce." This makes no sense? Of course she doesn't see Bruce as Batman because she doesn't know he is batman. So what was the point in writing that?
Purplestan chapter 10 . 3/15
If Tony has lots of connections how does he not know she's dating Bruce
Purplestan chapter 9 . 3/15
Anything is one word not two (review for the last chapter.)
Purplestan chapter 8 . 3/15
So Adriana won't tell Pepper who her 'boyfriend' is when pepper could literally go look at the newspaper. Is that Adriana not thinking? Or is it a plot hole?
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