Reviews for Heart of an Uchiha
madmiko chapter 39 . 7/20/2019
Everyone greeting Kagome and welcoming her back to the Western Lands was sweet. Sasuke is still sweating what they might do to him. No Sesshoumaru yet-I was looking forward to them meeting him. And now I have caught up with all you have written. I know it has been many years since you added to this story, but I hope you will come back to it and finish it.
madmiko chapter 35 . 7/20/2019
I enjoyed this chapter where the big group is traveling. I was wondering who would be included in this trip. I'm loving Jiraiya and Kakashi in this. And of course Shikamaru is smart enough to realize Kakashi was probably right. LOL! The Day 5 scene where the others are all talking about the couple is hilarious.
madmiko chapter 34 . 7/18/2019
I'm glad Kagome is going with the shinobi. I hadn't thought about the demons wanting to take it out on Sasuke that Kagome got injured while under his protection. I think that was a good detail to include.
madmiko chapter 29 . 7/18/2019
I enjoyed this chapter quite a bit! I wasn't surprised that Hakudoshi leered at Kagome-he always seemed that way in the canon story. LOL! I like your portrayal of Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha's father as being a pervert. All of the threats towards Sasuke were hilarious, and he took them really well. Now I am wondering if his team, especially Karin, know he's been courting Kagome and that he is now engaged?
madmiko chapter 27 . 7/18/2019
Sesshoumaru really laid it all out in front of Sasuke and didn't pull any punches. Kagome's future with him is limited, while she could mate with a demon and live for centuries. Talk about intimidating! I did love Sesshoumaru and Naraku's threats, too. _
madmiko chapter 26 . 7/18/2019
You are definitely keeping this plot unique and creative! I had wondered if the Akatsuki had caught Kouga somehow. I love the idea that Naraku came to Kagura's rescue. And it's very interesting that now the Konoha shinobi know there are a lot more demons out there than just the tailed beasts.
madmiko chapter 24 . 7/18/2019
Very interesting! If the Akatsuki have a demon hostage, Sasuke may have to let Lady Tsunade in on his wife's abilities. I would think she would be needed to help.
madmiko chapter 22 . 7/17/2019
Kouga's plan to mess up Kagome's date was pretty funny. Glad Sasuke didn't pay any attention to the fox twins in disguise as beautiful women. How is he managing to meet her for dates, though? I thought he and the rest of his team were scouting around to do something they probably shouldn't. So, I'm wondering how he and Kagome met again to set up a date.
madmiko chapter 17 . 7/17/2019
Good talk between Shikamaru and Sasuke. It's good to see Sasuke and Kagome together.
madmiko chapter 16 . 7/17/2019
Go, Shikamaru! I think it's very in character for him to take it on himself to try to keep the fangirls, especially Ino and Sakura, away from Sasuke's wife. He wouldn't want to have to deal with the mess that could result from anything they might do.
madmiko chapter 15 . 7/17/2019
I really like the background story you have given Kagome in this. Nice set-up with the Western Lands and four other nations being ruled by demons, and the shinobi world not being aware of it.
Adonisx chapter 39 . 1/12/2019
Ahh so cute!
Evilshallprevail chapter 28 . 11/14/2018
Spiders are not insects tho
silverhawk88 chapter 9 . 6/22/2018
You know, I know Sasuke is a bit OCC but I am enjoying this story. Thanks for posting it.
XxSweetAngle84xX chapter 38 . 6/17/2018
About the story I love it I just wish there was more chapters what happens when they get to the Western lands and all that
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