Reviews for Alarm Clock
Anon chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Cute. Not lemony, but I like this level of...action...? Nice work! :)
LaughterGirl chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
LOL highly hilarious! poor Squalo Really loved reading this
BloodyNeutral chapter 1 . 4/27/2011
Aw.. Poor Squalo XD Awesome fic!
KimmyKimii chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
This was your first Reborn fic? But, it's so good!
LadyMoonveil chapter 1 . 8/5/2010
The Varia is so dysfunctional sometimes that it scares me. But then again I guess XS works the best during bouts of insanity...XD
Senshaku chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
Oh hay! You know me~ Anyways, I'd like to say good story. But it was a slight bit confusing. Don't think of this as a bad thing really. Just work on it some more and it will be perfect. I will be glad to help you if you need any help. I also recommend using and their thesaurus.

It's a funny story. And seeing as to how the other Varia is not affected by the whole XS this makes it even more funny.

Keep up the good work!
Defunct1010101 chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
Ahh I adore this fic, the plot and the pairing! All are wonderful!

Haha this fic had me rolling around on the floor, laughing my head off... I love Luss's present just as much as I love Xanxy-chan/sama's reaction to the present ( aww poor Sqau-chan, I would hate it too!)

Just gorgeous! Well done! Keep writing XS please! I

love them *hearts*

melody xx

Boo Lemming chapter 1 . 3/27/2010
Wait, what~? I still haven't revewed this?

It's fuckin' awesome is what it fuckin' is.

...and I actually mean that. *gasp*
AugustTurnsBlue chapter 1 . 3/24/2010
...haha! squalo's a lot more vicious than hidan! he swears a lot more than hidan! looks like he got an award for the most evil F words in a sentence...he beat hidan to it!...
sunnycalendargirl chapter 1 . 3/12/2010
I like the premise of your story, but you've fallen prey to a problem a lot of writers do. You're using words that you clearly don't completely undersand the meaning and proper usage of. Because of that, there are whole sentences and paragraphs that make no sense.

Sometimes it's better to just use the simple word to clearly make your point, than to use words you don't have a full grasp on.

I'll give you a good example:

"which he could then induce, once more, upon the swordsman's hair"

Induce doesn't mean what you clearly think it means and so it makes the sentence it's used in make no sense at all. Then the reader has to interpret your meaning by mentally scrambling for the proper words.

This is where a good beta reader would be a huge help. You have a really fun idea but the language needs some help.
Dean Gabriel chapter 1 . 3/9/2010
You asked for a review but I don't really know what to say except this is the first XS fic I've seen in a long time that was hot. Your prose style is a little rough but with a little ironing it would be great. Please write more especially of XS they need more love ;w;
Hana1225 chapter 1 . 3/9/2010

poor Squalo

I hope he wont get bald because of the accumulated stress


nice story
Lol, cute. And frankly, I'm surprised that Squalo hadn't snapped earlier. :D
Reizaki chapter 1 . 3/7/2010
wow this is awesome you've portrayed all the characters of the member's very well and i really just have to say...I LUV EVERYTHING! lol now i'll never think of an alarm clock the same way...fufufu~3 plz write more XS or Reborn fics! XD
Prince Da Ripper chapter 1 . 3/7/2010


XS~;D fruit-shaped alarm clocks, lololol x)

I LOVE the Bel-koala part! 8D I fell down laughing imagining that! xD

I would wanna see some lemon tho... x)
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